QS World University Rankings 2018


 kit karlsruhe institute of technology 310 small 0
=102- Leiden University           
utrecht university 646 small 0
=104- Utrecht University         
university of science and technology of china 122 small
sungkyunkwan university skku 582 small
washington university in st. louis 668 small
lomonosov moscow state university 418 small
technical university of denmark 597 small 1
zhejiang university 692 small
110- Zhejiang University                     
the hong kong polytechnic university 267 small
yonsei university 688 small
university of oslo 473 small

nanjing university 430 small 1
117- Aarhus University       
university of california santa barbara ucsb 91 small
wageningen university 659 small 0
119- Wageningen University      
universidade de so paulo 550 small
humboldt universitt zu berlin 272 small
=121- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin          
eindhoven university of technology 182 small
=121- Eindhoven University of Technology         
freie universitaet berlin 215 small
=123- Freie Universitaet Berlin        
queen mary university of london 359 small
the university of adelaide 10 small 0