Higher Education is constantly evolving, and the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik is addressing the major challenges of the day by adapting its practices to meet the needs of students, the market and the community. Keen to stay up-to-date with educational trends, USEK continuously reviews its academic rules and regulations, launch new and redesigned programs, offered in English language or Hybrid mode (mix), to meet standards of excellence. Several majors and minors have been introduced or redesigned during the past two years.
Master in Business Law 26 credits
Joint in collaboration with University of Poitiers, France
The Master II in Business Law of USEK Faculty of Law, in partnership with the Faculty of Law at the University of Poitiers-France, aims to offer its students an in-depth training, through a comparative approach, in French, European and Lebanese Business Law.
This program forms lawyers capable of:
1- Utilizing their knowledge of French, European and Lebanese business law in general, including corporate law, financial law, contract and distribution law, business law, and bankruptcy law.
2- Using the legal techniques of commercial contract drafting, covered through a practical approach.
3- Developing research methodology specifically designed for business and corporate
Interested candidates must hold a first degree in Law: a BA in Law from a recognized Lebanese University (4 years Program) or a Master I degree in Business Law form a recognized French University or an equivalent foreign degree.
Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering 30 credits
The mission of the Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering is to educate engineers for the petroleum industry based on earth and physical science, economics, and engineering and design aspects of oil and natural gas extraction; perform research in the extraction and field processing of petroleum and natural gas; satisfy industry demand for Lebanese petroleum engineers with special education in the oil and gas industries.
This program forms petroleum engineers capable of:
1- Identifying advanced engineering problems, designing appropriate solutions, and demonstrating theoretical and technical correctness.
2- Identifying and discussing recent trends and emerging topics in Petroleum engineering.
3- Emphasizing new theoretical, modeling, or experimental contributions; or novel applications of existing theories.
4- Applying engineering design procedures and research methodologies.
Interested candidates should hold a Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering or any related engineering diploma recognized by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education with a GPA of 80/100 or higher. They should also have passed the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with the following score: Paper-based: 550 / Computer-based: 250 / Internet-based: 97.
Executive MBA / MS in Digital Management 38 credits
Double awards conferred from USEK / ESSCA (École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d’Angers, France)
Students are offered an opportunity of receiving a dual diploma: a Master of Science in Digital Management from ESSCA, and an Executive MBA from USEK.
This program forms E-MBA holders capable of:
Mastering the strategic digital marketing experience.
Practicing innovation pertaining to digital business models.
Utilizing digital strategic brand management abilities.
Understanding the necessary skills related to digital transformation.
Acquiring effective communication skills.

Interested candidates should hold a BAC+3 with 3 years of professional experience or BAC+4/5 of university studies. An interview with jury from ESSCA and USEK is also required. Graduates will be prepared for employment in several fields of work such as Chief digital officer, Marketing and digital director, E-business digital entrepreneur/intrapreneur, Web marketing project manager and digital communication, Digital strategy consultant, Business developer, E-business director, Brand manager, Social media manager.
Master of Science in Chemistry - redesigned 36 credits
(Emphasis: Environmental Risks & Waste Treatment, Industrial Processes & Methods Validation)
The Master of Science in Chemistry values teaching and research as equal and essential components of the education of our students and seeks to integrate research with teaching at every possible opportunity in the curriculum. In pursuit of this mission, the graduate chemistry program aims to prepare students for careers ranging from teaching at postsecondary institutions to conducting research in universities (PhD program), industrial settings, and government laboratories.
This program forms Chemists capable of:
- Designing systems, components, or processes to meet specified objectives for industrial or laboratory chemical issues within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
- Utilizing research design methodology and problem-solving techniques associated with interdisciplinary research. They will have the ability to engage in a Doctoral Program (PhD program) with scholars in a variety of interdisciplinary chemical fields.
- Presenting chemical information coherently through oral and written discourse and to generate technical documents describing their results for editing and publication in peer reviewed scientific journals.
Interested candidates should hold a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry or Biochemistry or any related diploma recognized by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
Graduates will be prepared for employment in several fields of work (research and analysis laboratories, teaching, chemical and biomedical companies, waste treatment investigation, Quality control), as well as post-graduate studies.
Master of Science in Biochemistry - redesigned 36 credits
(Emphasis: Applied Biochemistry & Biochemical Investigations, Pharmacology & Cosmetology)
The mission of the Master of Science in Biochemistry is to train new scientists to probe the mechanistic basis of fundamental biochemistry processes within the context of an ever-changing knowledge base. In pursuit of this mission, the biochemistry graduate program strives to prepare students for careers ranging from teaching at postsecondary institutions to conducting research in universities (PhD program), health settings, and government or private laboratories.
This program forms Biochemists capable of:
- Exhibiting a critical thinking ability that has enabled them to correlate between pharmaceutical principles, drug design, formulation, manufacture, and compounding. They will have the ability to match the knowledge of pharmacological and toxicological effects to health field concepts.
- Utilizing research design methodology and problem-¬solving techniques associated with interdisciplinary research. They will have the ability to engage in a Doctoral Program (PhD program) with scholars in a variety of interdisciplinary topics related to the field.
- Presenting biochemical information coherently through oral and written discourse and to generate technical documents describing their results for editing and publication in peer reviewed scientific journals.
- Recognizing the importance of continued self-¬improvement to engage in lifelong learning.
Interested candidates should hold a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry or chemistry or any related diploma recognized by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. Graduates will be prepared for employment in several fields of work including opportunities in industry particularly in the pharmaceutical sector, cosmetic sector, university, and private or state-owned laboratories.
Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Cyberdefence 36 credits
Double awards conferred from USEK / UBS (Université Bretagne Sud, France)
The mission of the Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Cyber defense is to generate qualified cybersecurity professionals by providing them with the knowledge to design, plan and manage cyber systems to protect organizations, governments and infrastructures from the ever-changing security threats and infiltration techniques such as hackers, network outages, viruses and cyber-attacks.
This program forms cybersecurity professionals capable of:
- Occupying advanced careers in computer science and networking, and related fields, as well as further graduate study.
- Providing full solution for software problem from system design to solution development. They will be committed for long-life learning.
- functioning and communicating effectively as ethically and socially responsible computer science professionals.
Interested candidates should hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science, Information Technology and Computer Engineering or any other equivalent degree from national and international institutions with a GPA of at least 70/100.