Displaying items by tag: Universities

Friday, 01 September 2023 03:43

List of Universities In USA


Whether you plan to pursue a short-term or full degree program in the United States, this is what you need in 'Your Four Steps to U.S. Study'. 


Research Your Options

The first step to studying in the United States is researching your options to find a college or university that best fits your needs. You shouldn't try to match yourself to the school, but rather find the school that matches you and your priorities and long-term goals.

Remember that no official ranking system exists for colleges and universities in the United States. The best college or university is the one that is best for you and meets your requirements—academic, financial, and personal.

At least 12 to 18 months prior to the academic year in which you hope to attend a U.S. college or university, you should begin your research. Start by answering these basic questions and looking at the more specific 'define your priorities' pages under each level of study in this section:

•Why do you want to study in the United States?

•Where will you fit in best?

•Which colleges or universities will meet your needs?

•Will you need financial assistance?

•What are the application and financial aid deadlines?

•Where do you want to live in the United States?

Choose your level of study (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, etc.) to learn more about researching your options. Keep in mind that the schools you apply to must be certified by the Student Exchange Visitor Program. You can find a searchable list of certified schools on the Department of Homeland Security's Study in the State's website.



Finance Your Studies

Invest in yourself! The cost of living and studying varies across the United States. With the right amount of planning and research, pursuing a U.S. higher education can be made affordable with high returns on your investment.

Start your financial planning as early as possible. Each year international students receive significant amounts of financial assistance for their studies. However, competition is high. Applications for financial aid go together with applications for admission.

When looking into studying in the United States, evaluating your finances should be one of the first things you do. As with any investment, you need to evaluate what's best for your educational and career goals and what you are willing to spend.

U.S. institutions offer a wide array of programs with a wide array of tuition and fees. The United States is a large country and the cost of living varies greatly from place to place. You need to assess your funding and what you are able to spend on your education and living expenses.

Choose your level of study (community college, undergraduate, graduate, short-term, English language) to learn more about financing your options.


Complete Your Application

You've now reached Step 3: Complete Your Application. This step covers the general application requirements for U.S. colleges and universities.

Applying for U.S. study is a task that takes time and concentration as each application is different and involves collecting recommendations, writing essays, and routing the results of required standard examinations. Plan to give this step the time it deserves for a successful result.

Choose your level of study to learn more about completing your application.


Apply For Your Student Visa

You've now reached Step 4! Applying for your U.S. student visa. This next step will cover F, J and M student visa types.

Information pertaining to visas and travel can be found on the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs website and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Study in the States. 

Choose your level of study to learn more about applying for your student visa.

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University of A–K

University of L–O










University of P–Z




Monday, 09 October 2023 17:04

Study In Germany

Germany is one of the most attractive locations for international students worldwide. There are many different kinds of universities, which all offer excellent quality. With so many to choose from, it's not always easy finding the right one. We help you understand what's what and show you how you can study in Germany in eight short steps.

There are over 380 officially recognized universities throughout Germany, and they offer a total ofover 17,000 study programs.

Steps to studying in Germany

Finding a university

Germany has public and private universities. They are usually divided into universities, universities of applied sciences and colleges of art, film and music. About 95 percent of the universities are financed by the government and are therefore state-funded. Only 5 percent of the institutions of higher education are private universities. The vast majority of students are enrolled in state-run universities. Anyone studying at these universities pays no or only a nominal amount oftuition fees.

Private universities, which are government approved or recognized, are generally universities of applied sciences. Students appreciate the small study group sizes, the close link to industry and the international focus. Anyone looking to study at a private university may need to pay very high tuition fees. In addition, the degrees are only recognized on the international job market if the private university is officially recognized.

Admission requirements

Anyone wanting to study at a university in Germany needs a so-called "Hochschulzugangsberechtigung" (HZB), or higher education entrance qualification. This lets applicants show that their educational background or professional qualification allows them to study in Germany, i.e. they have the necessary higher education entrance qualification to register for a course. An international higher education entrance qualification lets you study at a German university, provided that the international certificate of education is recognized as higher education entrance qualification in Germany.

Check the requirements

It is important to make sure that you are aware of the recognition requirements. If the certificate of education is recognized as a higher education entrance qualification in Germany, this recognition may apply for all courses (general qualification) or for certain courses (subject-specific qualification). Two to three semesters of study in the home country may be recognized as a higher education entrance qualification in Germany, depending on the country of origin.

Assessment test as part of a preparatory course

If your international higher education entrance qualification does not directly qualify you for admission to study in Germany, you can participate in a preparatory course at a German university. This is where you, together with other international students, develop the technical and cultural requirements to successfully study in Germany. The preparatory courses offer different core subject areas, such as medicine, technology or economics. They generally end with the assessment test after one year. After successfully completing the assessment, graduates are permitted to study the subjects that correspond to the subject areas in the preparatory course anywhere in Germany. 

German language skills

The language of instruction at German universities is German in most courses. So you will need an adequate knowledge of German and must be able to demonstrate this knowledge in order to participate in the course. This does not generally apply for students in international courses or certain post-graduate courses. Anyone only wanting to study in Germany for one or two semesters may also not be required to provide evidence of their knowledge of German. 

A good idea is to check with the relevant university'sInternational Office.

International office

Every university has an International Office (or Akademisches Auslandsamt). It is the central contact for international students and those interested in applying for a course.

Every university or university of applied sciences in Germany has an Akademisches Auslandsamt (AAA) or International Office (IO). They help international students and those interested in applying for a course to resolve all organizational issues relating to their studies. In particular, International Offices provide advice and support international students in the following topics:

  • Course offer and course organization
  • University entrance qualification
  • Language proficiency
  • Application and admission
  • Dates and deadlines
  • Course preparation and course entry
  • Course fees and financing your studies

International Offices hold frequent introductory and orientation events. This helps international students familiarize themselves with the institutions and the processes at the university. Some International Offices have also established mentor programs. In these programs, local students provide support for international students. They help answer questions on the course, dealing with the authorities and everyday problems.

Financing your studies

Germany is not expensive in a European comparison. However, secure funding is very important for the success of your studies. The associated costs at a glance.

International students completing their entire (or part of their) course in Germany need to consider different costs. To get a better overview, you can distinguish between education and living expenses.

Education expenses and tuition fees

The semester fee is generally payable at all universities and for all students in Germany. It has nothing to do with the course fees, and is compiled of fees for the student union and for the student administration (AstA). At many universities the semester fee also includes a semester ticket for local public transport. The actual amount differs for each university, but it will be somewhere between 100 and 250 euros. The semester fee needs to be transferred on enrolment for the course, before the start of every new semester. Whether there are any additional costs for course material or textbooks depends on the specific course.


Student administration: EUR 8.77
University sports activities: EUR 1.75
Semester ticket: EUR 162.80
Faculty allocation: EUR 2.10
Student union: EUR 59.00
Total: EUR 234.42

Visa application

International students often need a visa to travel to Germany. This depends on the country of origin and how long you want to stay.

International students looking to study in Germany will generally need a visa. This excludes students from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. These students only require a valid ID card or comparable identification to travel to Germany. Students from these countries can register at the city's registry office as soon as they have found an apartment. This is where they will receive a residence permit for study purposes.

There are also a number of countries for which students can obtain their necessary residence permit for study purposes after their arrival. These include Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, South Korea and the United States of America. It also includes the following countries, provided that the student does not intend to work in Germany before or after completing their studies: Andorra, Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras, Monaco and San Marino.

Visa process for international students

International students from other countries generally need to apply for a visa before arrival. Please contact the German embassy in your home country and apply for a student visa or an applicant visa. Anyone with written approval for preparatory study measures or a university place from a university can apply for a student visa. Anyone who is still waiting on the notice of admission or who has to sit an entrance examination will need to apply for an applicant visa. Once you arrive in Germany, you will need to submit your visa to the foreigners' authority at the study location in order to convert this to a residence permit for study purposes.

It often takes several months for a visa to be issued. It is therefore important to apply for an applicant visa as soon as possible so that you can arrive before your course commences. You should not wait to receive confirmation of a university place, as the notice of admission arrives very late in Germany. It is preferable to apply for an applicant visa with the university's confirmation of application and then convert it to a residence permit for study purposes in Germany.

Documents required for a visa application

The best course of action is to find information on the Federal Foreign Office's website or directly from the German embassy in your home country; but, in general, you will need the following documents:

  • a valid passport
  • the confirmation of application from the university (applicant visa) or the notice of admission from the university (student visa)
  • proof of adequate funds for living expenses (proof of financial resources)
  • health insurance coverage


Your proof of financial resources verifies that you can pay for your period of study. At least the living expenses for your first year in Germany must be fully financed. In general, around 7,908 euros of income or assets are required for the first year, or 659 euros per month. But evidence of higher amounts may also be requested. The German embassy in your home country will provide more information on the proof that needs to be provided. In principle, the following types of proof are possible:

  • proof of parents' income and assets
  • the Foreigners' Registration Offices receives confirmation that someone whose place of residence is in Germany commits to assume the costs for you
  • a security sum on a blocked account
  • scholarship from a recognized scholarship foundation
  • Funding in accordance with the German Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAföG - Federal Education and Training Assistance Act).

Finding accommodation

The accommodation situation for students is generally difficult, as cheap accommodation is hard to find. The monthly rent is the biggest item in themonthly expensesand costs students an average of 298 euros per month. Regional differences apply: The situation is most difficult in the major cities in western Germany and in the traditional university cities such as Heidelberg, Tübingen or Freiburg. By contrast, the situation is more relaxed in eastern Germany, where the average rental prices are lower.

Living expenses

Living expenses in Germany are slightly above average in a European context. They are below those of countries such as Denmark, Luxembourg or Switzerland, but are quite high compared to countries such as Asia, Africa or Latin America.


1 loaf of bread: EUR 1.20 - 3
1 kilo of apples: EUR 2
1 kilo of potatoes: EUR 1
1 liter milk: EUR 0.60 - 1
1 bottle of mineral water (0.75 liters): EUR 0.30 - 0.80
1 cup of coffee (in a café): EUR 2.50
1 beer (in a pub): EUR 2 - 3
1 pizza in a restaurant: EUR 4 - 6
1 pair of shoes: EUR 30 – 100
1 T-shirt: EUR 7 - 50
1 pair of trousers: EUR 30 - 100
1 cinema ticket (student discount): EUR 5 - 8
1 theatre ticket (student discount): EUR 6 - 30
1 ticket to a museum (student discount): EUR 2 - 8

A German student's average monthly budget amounts to 864 euros. This includes the rent, travel expenses, costs for food, clothing, learning material, healthinsurance, phone, Internet, radio and television fees and expenses for leisure activities. It does not include the semester fee, which needs to be paid prior to every semester as part of re-registration. This means that higher costs arise at the start of the semester. International students have significantly fewer funds than their German counterparts and have to finance their everyday activities with an average of 725 euros.


Rent (incl. ancillary expenses): EUR 298
Food: EUR 165
Clothing: EUR 52
Travel expenses (car/public transport): EUR 82
Health insurance and medical costs. Medication: EUR 66
Phone/Internet/Radio/TV fees, postage: EUR 33
Course materials/learning materials (books, etc.): EUR 30
Leisure, culture and sports: EUR 68
Total: EUR 794

Published in Study In Europe
Tuesday, 10 October 2023 12:40

Top Universities In Germany

 Top 10 German Universities to study Medicine,Pharmacy,Electrical Engineering,Industrial Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Material Engineering,Computer Sciences,Architecture,Language and Literature.

The University of Heidelberg has an excellent department of Medicine

with holding 6 decades of tradition in education and research. This department aims to overcome the 21st century’s medical challenges in the region and beyond. Into establishing such a renome, this department has undergone a series of struggles to establish a central scientific institution, emphasizing research and supporting and promoting research agendas. Nowadays, the university is a vivid and interactive environment of internationally recognized research institutions, luring students from all around the world.

RWTH Aachen University founded in 1966, hosts nine different faculties among which the exceptional Department for Medicine.  The Klinikum Aachen includes several specialized clinics, theoretical and clinical institutes and other research facilities, lecture halls, schools for medical expertise, and other compulsory facilities for a decent hospital. There are approximately 2,700 prospective students who study in the Medicine Faculty.

Lübeck University

Provided for its fame in the research profile, the Lübeck Medical School is ready and set to fight the demons of the 21st century’s medicine. Focusing strongly yet hardly solely on 1) Infection & Inflammation, 2) Brain, Behavior and Metabolism, 3) Medical Genetics and 4) Biomedical Technologies this educational institution meet the standards of excellence.

The students are provided with an effective cocktail of:

  • Technical knowledge needed for the future
  • Practical capabilities & skills
  • Scientific work
  • Social and ethical skills

Witten/Herdecke University

As for being among the oldest private Universities in Germany, founded in 1983 the Witten/Herdecke University is recognized widely to be highly prestigious. Around 1200 undergraduates study Medicine, Nursing Science, Dental Medicine, Economics, Philosophy and Culture. As for enrollment criteria, students have to succeed on explaining why they’ve made the certain choice for the certain profession during their interview.  The astonishing part of this conquest is the fact that the interviewers attribute the merit to students personality opposed to their great grades. As aforementioned, this University is private therefore the tuition fees go up to 400 and 1000 euro a month. Yet, the excellent studying conditions at UWH are not for free: students have to pay between 400 and 1000 euro a month in academic fees. However, the international students can always apply for grants and scholarships.

Magdeburg University

Following a merger of the existing Technical University, the Teacher Training College and the Medical School in the 1993, the University of Magdeburg is one of the youngest Universities in the state. The Medical School provides for around 1300 trained experts in dealing with a wide range of serious illnesses in the region of Saxony. A special emphasis is laid on the close cooperation between teaching staff and students. Around a year, this institution hosts around 45000 stay-in patients and numerous others in and out of the facility. With all this being said, the institution offers excellent practice oriented medical education for eager students.

Mϋnster University

The Munster University was founded in 1780, withholding a long-lasting tradition spread over its seven facilities hosting 15 departments and offering 250 different courses of study. The University takes pride in their exquisite staff of 5000 certified experts and 37 000 prospective students. Additionally, it has around 400 partnership agreements with various academic institutions all around the world. The University runs by valuing knowledge, research and curiosity.

Würzburg University

The Würzburg University was established more than 4 decades ago by the Prince – Bishop Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn and the Prince Elector Maximilian Joseph. The University department facilities and its additional institutes are all situated within the old town allies. The University hosts a modern library, a new liberal art campus and several research institutes among others. Of the 25.000 students around 1000 students come from the international domain.

Tϋbingen University

The University of Tubingen is one of the oldest classical Universities, situated in an optimal university town. It is internationally recognized for its success in medicine, natural sciences and humanities.  The university is associated with some Nobel laureates, especially in the fields of medicine and chemistry. The Medical department including the clinic, the scientific institutes and the theoretical facilities makes for the greatest medical training institute in the Baden-Württemberg region.

Freiburg University

The University of Freiburg belongs to the long tradition of successful teaching in humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. The University operates under 11 faculties luring students from every corner to join the quality and expertise. The Freiburg medical center has a staff over 10 000 professionals taking care of around 58 000 patients in need of medical attention. The University Medical Center believes that basic science and clinical research are prerequisites to realize the newest medical expertise and treatments and therefore encourages ongoing and new research by its physicians.

Leipzig University

Leipzig University of Saxony is the second-oldest university in Germany. Famous predecessors of the nowadays prospective students of this establishment include Leibniz, Goethe, Nietzsche, Wagner, and Angela Merkel adding to the composition also nine Nobel laureates associated with the Leipzig University. The Faculty of Medicine is an educational institution of over 3,000 students in human medicine and dentistry and operates closely with the Leipzig University Hospital. The Faculty of Medicine together with the University Hospital is among the greatest medical institutions in Saxony hosting 48 clinics and institutes operating in five separate departments. The motto of Leipzig Medical School is research, teaching, healing – a tradition of innovation.

Top 8 German Universities to Study Pharmacy


Pharmacy has been taught at TU Braunschweig since 1835. Today, the campus hosts over 600 pharmacy students. It is one of largest centers of pharmacy among German universities and the only one in the state of Lower Saxony. The study of pharmacy centers around the scientific bases of medical drugs ranging from the preparation of bioactive substances, their chemical analysis and pharmaceutical formulation to their effects on humans. Students also gain insight into different aspects of current research carried out at the pharmaceutical institutes under the common research focus “Bioactive molecules and drug development”. Major research themes include, for example, rational drug design, molecular pharmacology of cardiovascular diseases, and the development of colloidal microparticlesas drug delivery systems and the biotechnology of bioactive compounds from plants.


Philipps-Universität is not only a German university drenched in tradition, but also the oldest university in the world. It started as a Protestant institution in 1527. For nearly five centuries now the University has served as THE place of research and teaching.  Currently there are nearly 25,000 students studying in Marburg of which 12 percent come from all over the world.  Except for the engineering departments, the University hosts almost all the other scientific fields of study. The different disciplines are assigned to different faculties. Philipps-Universität is considered to be the cradle of prosperity and emancipation in the Marburg region of Germany.


Founded in 1456, the University of Greifswald was and is one of the oldest academic institutions in Europe taking pride in decades of tradition.  Over 12,000 students from all over the world receive the most modern academic guide ways and exciting research opportunities in a learning- friendly environment. Research priorities at the University of Greifswald are in the life sciences, physics and geosciences, cultural interaction in the Baltic/Nordic region, as well as law and economics. The students engage in inter-disciplinary collaborations across faculties and aim for excellence in both research and teaching.


Goethe University Frankfurt, positioned among the top international research universities, offers a wide variety of academic programs, a diverse group of research institutes, and a focus on interdisciplinary approaches to solving complex problems. The university is named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the Frankfurt-born polymath renowned for his exceptional contributions to literature, science, and philosophy. In the department of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy, 32 professors are involved in research and teaching. They are supported by 215 permanent members of staff and are involved in teaching for more than 1.850 undergraduate and 500 PhD students and postdoctoral fellows in four different subjects: Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biochemistry.


Among the great study conditions and circumstances the University of Freiburg offers a great practical approach to its students. The pharmaceutical bioinformatics lab at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences develops algorithms and software for pharmaceutical research. The fields of research at this institution include the modeling of molecular interactions, prediction of biological effects of molecules, and identification of potential new drug agents. Also, different reactions and effects of therapeutics can be analyzed and explained. A further area of work in the lab is the evaluation of the vast amounts of data, produced by up-to-date measurement methods and processes of systems biology.


Situated in the city of Kiel Germany, the University of Kiels foundations go way back 1665. The institution was found and established as the Academia Holsatorum Chiloniensis by Christian Albert, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp. There are approximately 24,000 students studying in the University of Kiel today. The University of Kiel is the largest, oldest, and most prestigious in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The Institute of Pharmacy belongs to the department of Pharmacy and is divided into the sub-departments Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutics and Bio pharmaceutics.


Interdisciplinary research training is the key to the success of tomorrow’s life scientists, as the motto of the University states. The University of Würzburg provides a world class environment of research institutions, which have a long and successful tradition of cooperation across faculties. The Graduate School of Life Science results from a common initiative of the Faculties of Biology, Medicine, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Physics, and Philosophy. It is this interdisciplinary spirit that propelled Würzburg to among the top four German Universities in the Life Sciences.


The Institute of Pharmacy at Freie Universität Berlin is one of the largest pharmaceutical training facilities in Germany. In Berlin-Brandenburg Freie Universität is the only university that has the discipline of pharmacy. Teaching and research are carried out in the fields of pharmaceutical biology, pharmaceutical chemistry, clinical pharmacy, pharmacology, and pharmaceutical technology. The institute focuses on drug development and testing, the analysis of natural substances, alternative testing methods, and innovative drug delivery systems.

Top Universities in Germany to study Engineering ( general head line)

Top 5 Universities in Germany to study Electrical Engineering


The Darmstadt University of Technology, whose official name is “Technische Universität Darmstadt”, (abbreviated TU Darmstadt) in Darmstadt, plays a significant role among German universities. It is one of Germany’s leading universities and well known internationally for its outstanding achievements in the areas of engineering, political science and computer science.As an institution it provides excellent research in selected fields to face the challenges of the new millennia guided first hand by experts in the field. In electrical engineering students often work on projects which give them the opportunity to use their theoretical knowledge in practical applications. In their last year the students are asked to work on their bachelors dissertation encouraged to be creative and genuine.


As the only technical and engineering university in Rhineland-Palatinate, the TU has acquired a considerable reputation since its founding in 1970. With around 14,200 students in twelve subject areas the University of Kaiserslautern has a manageable size, the close contact with professors and excellent service guaranteed. Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering are offered as two separate graduate courses with varying technical orientation. The sound basic education in the four-semester undergraduate program is followed by the graduate program with technical specialization in one of the seven majors.


The TUM is one of the best universities in Europe regarding excellence in research and teaching, interdisciplinary methods and talent drawn from them. The strong collaboration amidst various companies and several other academic institutions around the world make for an optimal international environment.  TUM is one of the first three Universities of Excellence in Germany. The bachelor’s degree program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is divided into two study phases. In Part I, the first four semesters, students learn the fundamental principles of the following subject areas: Electrical Engineering (28 credits), Mathematics (32 credits), Physics (24 credits), Signals and Systems (20 credits), Information Technology (16 credits). In Part II, the second phase of study follows on from the fundamental principles. During semesters 5 and 6 students build on the knowledge gained in the first four semesters. They will be expected to accomplish the following: Engineering Practice (12 credits), Soft Skills (6 credits), Bachelor’s Thesis (12 credits), Individual Advanced Modules (30 credits)


The RWTH Aachen found in 1880, has a long lasting tradition of excellent education comprised of nine faculties among which, the Faculty of Engineering. The coverage of the RWTH Aachen engineering studies corresponds with the idea of expanding the electrical engineering potential. Students receive intensive basic studies – the mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering education cannot be beat within Germany. Students begin their studies focusing on focus on mathematics, computer science, and the elementary stage of electrical engineering. The Basics continue for three to four semesters. The curriculum is quite mathematically challenging to ease up their way towards the essentials of technical principles and structural concepts.


Since its foundation in 1967, the youngest university in Baden-Württemberg showed a remarkable performance. Currently around 9500 students spread over the faculties of medicine, engineering and computer science, mathematics, sciences, economics and natural sciences.  Its motto states “Innovative technology is in need of modern software and hardware solutions, but it must also take into account the people who will deal with this technique. Conversely, it is an inspiration for innovative technical mechanisms and algorithms human thought and action patterns.

Top 5 Universities in Germany to study Industrial Engineering


Since the beginning of 2009, Clausthal University of Technology has been a member of Niedersächsische Technische Hochschule, NTH. Combining the engineering and scientific expertise of Lower Saxony, the University is part of the best technical universities in Germany. Research and education at Clausthal University of Technology are currently focused on Energy and Raw Materials, Natural Science and Materials Science, Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering.


The research interests of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg focus on environment, construction, energy, material and information and communication technology. And thus BTU claims: We live Science.  The creation of key technologies through innovation as well as the creation of knowledge through research and education is decisive factors in a global market. It has been highlighted by the European Commissioner for Science and Research, which it will be necessary to develop strong regional poles of research, innovation and education, which are intensively linked to regional as well as to global economic aspects.


The Technical University of Ilmenau, located in the 25,000-inhabitant town of Ilmenau, on the northern slope of the Thuringian Forest, offers as a small university for their students and staff favorable conditions for study and work, which may not necessarily hold their big sisters. Short distances, small seminars and lectures, the possibility of personal contact between students and teachers and effective networking of scientists are just some of them.


Creative inspiration between Rhine and Ruhr: the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is located in the European region with the highest density of institutions of higher learning. Created in 2003 by the merger of the universities of Duisburg and Essen, the UDE is the youngest university in North Rhine-Westphalia and one of the ten largest universities in Germany.  As part of this merger the current shape of the engineering faculty has been created; it is unique in Germany. The four existing departments pursue research on a high, internationally recognized level. With about 80 professorships and more than 9,000 students this department belongs to the largest in Germany.


Following a merger of the existing Technical University, the Teacher Training College and the Medical School in the 1993, the University of Magdeburg is one of the youngest Universities in the state. In order to satisfy the challenges arising in a modern information society, the EIT offers a broad range of modern and interdisciplinary program of study, some of which are conducted in close cooperation with the other faculties at Otto von Guericke University and which open up excellent career prospects to our students. In addition, electrical engineering and information technology in Magdeburg stands for research strength and innovative projects.

Top 5 Universities in Germany to study Mechanical Engineering


Since the beginning of 2009, Clausthal University of Technology has been a member of Niedersächsische Technische Hochschule, NTH. Combining the engineering and scientific expertise of Lower Saxony, the University is part of the best technical universities in Germany. Research and education at Clausthal University of Technology are currently focused on Energy and Raw Materials, Natural Science and Materials Science, Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering.


U Braunschweig is the oldest institute of technology in Germany: the cornerstone of our modern university was already laid in the year 1745 with the Collegium Carolinum. The bachelor degree course Mechanical Engineering was established in the winter semester 2008/09. The professionalization modules include a non-technical optional module (4 credits) and the project report (6 credits). The interdisciplinary project work is done in teams and is particularly intended to help the students develop the following skills: development, implementation and presentation of concepts as well as preparation and formulation of results in teams.


The research interests of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg focus on environment, construction, energy, material and information and communication technology. And thus BTU claims: We live Science. The creation of key technologies through innovation as well as the creation of knowledge through research and education is decisive factors in a global market. It has been highlighted by the European Commissioner for Science and Research, which it will be necessary to develop strong regional poles of research, innovation and education, which are intensively linked to regional as well as to global economic aspects.


Following a merger of the existing Technical University, the Teacher Training College and the Medical School in the 1993, the University of Magdeburg is one of the youngest Universities in the state. In order to satisfy the challenges arising in a modern information society, the EIT offers a broad range of modern and interdisciplinary program of study, some of which are conducted in close cooperation with the other faculties at Otto von Guericke University and which open up excellent career prospects to our students. In addition, mechanical engineering in Magdeburg stands for research strength and innovative projects.


The RWTH Aachen found in 1880, has a long lasting tradition of excellent education comprised of nine faculties among which, the Faculty of Engineering. The coverage of the RWTH Aachen engineering studies corresponds with the idea of expanding the electrical engineering potential. Students receive intensive basic studies – the mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering education cannot be beat within Germany. Students begin their studies focusing on focus on mathematics, computer science, and the elementary stage of electrical engineering. The Basics continue for three to four semesters. The curriculum is quite mathematically challenging to ease up their way towards the essentials of technical principles and structural concepts.

Top Universities in Germany to study Material Engineering


Owning a reputation of being one of the leading technical universities in Germany, partly for its engagement in pioneering work, the Technical University of Darmstadt come first in the wide range of options to study electrical engineering in the region.  The principle of the indivisibility of teaching and research is common to all German universities. Mention must be made, however, that research at the TU Darmstadt has had a long and particularly successful tradition to date.


Understanding and controlling the production, processing and application of materials are some of the most important challenges in today’s globalized world. The Master’s degree in materials engineering at Saarland University aims to provide students with a practical and applications-driven postgraduate program that covers advanced aspects of materials technology and engineering.


The core of the course offerings is the Bachelor’s degree in Materials Engineering opposed to the other Universities that have it only as a master’s program. The materials engineer deals with all issues of development, production, processing and recycling of materials and materials. A great approach closer to the industry facilitates future employment and one gains quickly an idea about the requirements and skills required in their future careers. Developing a carrier on this particular matter obtaining a Bachelor of Science may be advanced in this university also with a related master’s degree.


The Elite Master’s Program in Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP) is an international, English language degree program which aims to train excellent Bachelor’s graduates from the fields of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical and Biological Engineering or related backgrounds. The interdisciplinary program is funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria and is hosted at the School of Engineering at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Top 6 Universities in Germany to study Computer Sciences

Jacobs University Bremen

The Computer Science (CS) program at Jacobs University provides a first class education which focuses on the understanding of these principles and how they are applied in practice. Computer Science is a challenging and fascinating discipline with ample job opportunities. Almost all modern goods either directly incorporate computer systems or information technologies drive the manufacturing process. While computer technologies come and go at a fast pace, there are a number of fundamental principles underlying those technologies.

Hasso-Plattner-Inst. Potsdam

The Hasso Plattner Institute opened its doors to students in the winter term of 1999/2000. It is the only university institute in Germany that offers an undergraduate (bachelor) and a graduate (master) course of study in IT-Systems Engineering. Students acquire the knowledge to conceptualize, develop and implement large, highly complex and cross-linked IT systems. The bachelor and master degree courses are designed for highly talented young people who are looking for an innovative, practice- and engineering-oriented computer science studies at a university level.

The institute’s special characteristics are its engineering orientation, the teaching of soft skills and the early intensive integration of industrial projects into the studies.

ULM University

The University of Ulm is chronologically the ninth in Baden-Wuerttemberg. The Faculty of engineering and computer sciences has broadened its subjects as well: in addition to the departments of engineering and computer science, the psychology department joined us in 2009.

The combination of these three subjects may appear unusual at first glance, but it is exactly what gives the Faculty its strong and unique character. Innovative technology demands modern software and hardware solutions, which includes taking into account the person who will be handling the technology. It goes the other way as well: human patterns of thought and behavior can inspire ideas for innovative technological mechanisms and algorithms. Current successful projects demonstrate how new fields of research arise when these three subjects come together.

Rwth Aachen

The RWTH Aachen found in 1880, has a long lasting tradition of excellent education comprised of nine faculties among which, the Faculty of Engineering. The coverage of the RWTH Aachen engineering studies corresponds with the idea of expanding the electrical engineering potential. Students receive intensive basic studies – the mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering education cannot be beat within Germany. Students begin their studies focusing on focus on mathematics, computer science, and the elementary stage of electrical engineering. The Basics continue for three to four semesters. The curriculum is quite mathematically challenging to ease up their way towards the essentials of technical principles and structural concepts.

Passau University

Idyllically situated on the banks of the River Inn, on a green campus, on the fringes of the Passau Old Town, lies the newest university in Bavaria. Since being founded in 1978 it has developed into one of the best academic addresses in Germany as regularly confirmed in the rankings: in Computer Science, Economics, Law, and International Cultural and Business Studies, Passau is one of the top German universities. Computer Science is a special tip: excellent academic staff provide intensive supervision of the highest academic standard. Innovative teaching concepts as, for example in the teacher training courses and in theology complete the picture. All five faculties are superbly equipped, intercultural orientation, and performance and practice related. Their special strength lies in the interdisciplinary interlinking of research and studies.

TU Kaiserslautern

Kaiserslautern is one of the largest IT locations in Germany with the Department of Computer Science forming its core. Since the department was founded in 1974 three renowned research institutes have evolved from its successful international work. With 24 professors the department covers all areas of computer science and can embrace the importance of computer science as a key skill for virtually all sciences at the TU. The department can also take on the central role of computer science research and development in Kaiserslautern in the future. As far as teaching is concerned, the department attaches particular value to excellent mentoring, a good partnership with the students and high quality lectures and seminars.

Top 10 Universities in Germany to study Architecture

BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

This University is rather quality oriented with its 1600 international students wandering round the campus to prove that. Education wise, it incorporates a combination of research orientation of a traditional Technical University and the more advanced application oriented programs in engineering, social science, economics and health care. Overall, the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg offers an excellent opportunity for students willing to achieve more in life. The Faculty of Architecture has been offering ZEFA-accredited Bachelor’s (BA) and Master’s (MA) degrees since 2002, and was subsequently approved as a course provider by the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (MFWK) in Brandenburg. The great thing about the way the university operates lies in that the department collaborate closely into coming up with all field activities and structural planning. This way, students get to practice what they’re preached in various fields.

ABK Stuttgart

Founded in the 1761, the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design (Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart) has a venerable tradition in academic excellence regarding the fields of fine arts and design. A modest number of students, around 850 overall, it is however recognized not only as an academy but also a University. In the State of Baden-Württemberg it is a prominent institution and an education center for both fine (e.g. painting, sculpture) and applied arts (e.g. architecture, design). This dualistic approach to arts is the pride of this institution, which will continue to cultivate and develop in the future.

RWTH Aachen

Of what used to be a museum serves now for its purpose and as a facility to educate the prospective students of Architecture. The RWTH Aachen found in 1880, has a long lasting tradition of excellent education comprised of nine faculties among which, the Faculty of Architecture.  It comprises 22 chairs and institutes including art history, structural design or load carrying construction. The University aims for quality over quantity therefore its relatively low number of around 1,500 students enrolled in the faculty.

TUM Munich

In the Bavarian region, the TUM Munich’s Department of Architecture is the only University level educational institution. The Faculty hosts over 1200 students segregated in over 26 Departments offering a broad range of subjects lectured by over 170 professionals relevant to the field. There is a close collaboration between the research oriented University and the wide spread High tech industrial partners over Munich. With this being said, this Faculty not only offers and exquisite road to education but also potential lob opportunities for their students in the future.  The University owns merit prizes on the field of Architecture such as:

  • Deutscher Architekturpreis – German Prize for Architecture
  • Deutscher Städtebaupreis – German Urban Planning Prize
  • European Architecture + Technology Award
  • Mies-van-der-Rohe Prize
  • RIBA Award

Stuttgart University

The Faculty of Architecture as part of the Stuttgart University goes way back withholding 19 centuries of tradition. Reforms and revolutionary standards started being applied started in the beginning of the 20 Century. Under the patronage of the Professors Richard Döcker and Rolf Gutbrod, the facility was redone under the modern architecture spirit followed by a new subject, the field of Urban Planning, essential in the educational and research domain. With over 16 institutions nowadays as well as expert lecturers German and international, the University of Stuttgart is recognized as one of the top Universities in the state. In fact, it’s widely known for the extraordinary combination of architecture and Urbanism as a whole field, offering students the opportunity a broader and contemporary outlook on this certain field.

Hannover University

Back in the 18 century, the “Higher Trade School of Hannover” which started with 64 students, today is a University of over 22 000 students enrolled in economics, law, humanities, natural sciences and engineering. In becoming an architect, one needs to be a bit of everything, an engineer, a historian an artist and sociologists, as the Faculty motto suggests.  The main focus of this Faculty’s program is urban planning, cultural landscape and design planning. Leibniz Universität Hannover is the only university in the North of Germany offering training and research in landscape architecture and environmental planning.

TU Dortmund

Since its foundation in 1968, TU Dortmund University has been the correlation between nature and technology, the endless war towards progression of the humanity.  It has established a unique combination of fields in the natural sciences and engineering, the social sciences and the humanities with a broad ranged curriculum taught by experts, German and foreign. The international character of the university is a huge priority. Apart from the German student that have enjoyed its benefits for decades, there are over 3200 international students currently enrolled in the University from over 100 different countries.

Bauhaus – Weimar University

The faculty of Architecture, together with the faculties of Art and Design, Civil Engineering and Media, provides a platform for inter-disciplinary discourse on matters involving design and construction. The main goal of this institution is to create conceptual and open-minded architects, creative designers and skilled managers who will make their way out on the harsh nowadays market. The faculty maintains an active student exchange program with more than 30 international partner institutes within the framework of European higher education and beyond. “Weimar” and “Bauhaus” are essential milestones in the course of modern architecture and the development of contemporary architectural teaching. Numerous symposiums and conferences, among which the International Bauhaus Colloquium, are organized by the faculty in elaborating contemporary architectural matters.

Wupperthal University

The Wupperthal University looks back on 100 years of tradition and history. Localized in a metropolitan area, the University campus is sited right in the middle of the city. Apart from offering superb educational alternatives, in all the fields as well as architecture, it provides also for a vibrant and dynamic lifestyle for the youth. Regarding research and innovations, the University is highly ranked promising not to break the tradition. The University is also very well connected, another true benefit for its dear students.

TU Dresden

The symbiosis of Architecture and Landscape, commonly very rare around the state of Germany is the trade-mark of the University of Dresden, moreover the Faculty of Architecture. The University of Dresden in internationally known for its practice oriented teaching and genuine research. Balancing of the theoretical, artistic, technical and ecological aspects of our living environment is the basis for all work at the faculty.

The University policy is careful enough not to concentrate only on the theoretical course but also convey several excursions in order for their students to have the chance to rehearse their competence in small group projects, just like any other professional does in the real world.

Top 10 German Universities to Study German Language and Literature

Mannheim University

The University of Mannheim is well known for its distinct profile, its business orientation and its international approach. Various rankings, awards and evaluations classify the University of Mannheim as one of the leading universities in Germany. Mannheim’s renowned Economics and Social Sciences Programs are closely intertwined with Humanities, Law, Mathematics and Computer Sciences. The University of Mannheim is mainly located in Mannheim Palace, the largest baroque palace in Germany. Since the fall semester 2011, the University of Mannheim and the University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) jointly offer the consecutive M.A. ‘Intercultural German Studies’. Students study one year in Germany and one year in Canada and earn a joint degree of both universities. The program offers a broad interdisciplinary framework for German language and literature studies.

Augsburg University

The University of Augsburg campus is one of the most congenial places to study in Germany. Situated near the city centre of Augsburg, the campus is spacious without being overwhelming. The modern buildings, functional and yet architecturally appealing, blend into a landscaped park with grassy areas, a lake, fountains and several sculptures by contemporary artists. The University of Augsburg was founded in 1970. It is one of the new, modern universities in Bavaria, and with approximately 15,000 students it is of a manageable size. The University of Augsburg provides the ideal conditions for completing a degree program successfully and within a reasonable time frame. Ever since it was founded, the University has been committed to reform and innovation. Seven faculties have been established, each with long-term strategies for development and using the most up-to-date facilities available.

Ruhr University – Bochum

Located in the midst of the dynamic, hospitable metropolitan area of the Ruhr, in the heart of Europe, the Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) with its 20 faculties, RUB’s disciplinary institutional units, is home to 5,000 employees and over 36,500 students from 130 countries. All the great scientific disciplines are united on one compact campus. The RUB is on its way to becoming one of the leading European universities of the 21st Century. Almost all courses are offered as Bachelor and Master Degree programs.

Heidelberg University

Founded in 1386, it is the oldest university in Germany and was the third university established in the Holy Roman Empire. Heidelberg has been a coeducational institution since 1899. Today the university consists of twelve faculties and offers degree programs at undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral levels in some 100 disciplines. International students from some 130 countries account for more than 20 percent of the entire student body. The University Library is the main library of the university, and constitutes together with the decentralized libraries of the faculties and institutes, the integral university library system comprising approximately 6.7 million printed books.

Kassel University

The University is a technical college, educational entity, and research institution. An Either-Or has been imposed between these three possibilities. Within the ‘concept of the university’, however, these purposes constitute an inseparable unity. These purposes may not be separated from each other without both destroying the spiritual substance of the university and becoming stunted themselves. All three purposes are elements of a living whole. “The University Kassel, with its 17,000 students, 2,200 employees, its 18 departments, its institutes and its academic centers, offers academic programs with various admission and degree opportunities like Bachelor and Masters. The Hessen International Summer University (ISU) has become an internationally oriented

LMU Munich

As a genuine “universitas” LMU Munich has the unique opportunity and a deep obligation to deal with the ever more complex questions facing humankind, society, culture, the environment and technology by creating interdisciplinary solutions. In terms of student numbers, the Faculty of Languages and Literatures is the largest faculty at LMU Munich. Conducting quality research at international level, the three departments and a number of interdisciplinary working groups offer a range of languages, literatures, and cultures that is unique in Germany, covering both living and historical languages. Research- and practice-oriented subjects, such as German as a foreign language, book studies, and media didactics, strategically prepare students for a broad and rich professional life in a society in which cross-cultural communication skills are among the most important qualifications.

Osnabruck University

The specific profile of the School of Language and Literary Studies is shaped by the combination of comprehensive Language and Literary Studies with classical Latin philology and by the modern languages of English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. One of the joint elements of teaching that define its profile is Teacher Education and the participation of all departments in the polyvalent Dual Major Bachelor’s Degree and Teacher Education degree programs. The departments are committed to the University’s core objective of promoting research-based Teacher Education, which they see as a task to be tackled throughout the University by all departments. This commitment is illustrated not only by the projects realized in the departments, but above all by their involvement in the Center for Teacher Education (German), which aims to ensure a fair balance between scientific disciplines and didactics. Outside the University, the School has numerous relationships with facilities within the City of Osnabrück and the rural district. For example, members of the School’s teaching staff play an active role in teacher education and training; projects are carried out with many local schools in which pupils and teachers are introduced to and involved in university life and the departments of the School of Language and Literary Studies.

Kiel University

Students will take the degree at Christian Albrechts University in Kiel. Kiel is a modern city on a beautiful inlet of the Baltic Sea, near the Danish border. Berlin, Amsterdam, or Copenhagen are within easy distance, and an overnight boat trip takes you to Oslo. Many water sports are available, including sailing and windsurfing. The curriculum includes language and culture courses from beginning to advanced levels at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany. They are taught by experienced German language teachers and native speakers from the Kiel/Hamburg area. Students may also take advantage of the German tutors (usually students at the University in Kiel), who engage program participants in various extracurricular activities such as cooking, sports, going out and attending events around the city. The Intensive German Language program will run in conjunction with the International Studies Kiel program that fulfills International Studies major requirements. Interested students will have the option to take courses from both programs.

RWTH Aachen

With its 260 institutes in nine faculties, RWTH Aachen is among the leading European scientific and research institutions. 37917 students in 126 courses of study are registered for the winter semester of 2012/13, including almost 5000 international students from more than 120 countries. Teaching at RWTH Aachen is first and foremost application-oriented. Its graduates are therefore sought-after as junior executives and leaders in business and industry.

Siegen University

The University of Siegen library currently primarily offers stock of relevance to the subjects taught at the university. In addition to print media, the range of digital resources is continually being expanded. Maintaining stock at 4 different sites means that the respective departments are guaranteed direct access the information relevant to their specialisation and topic. Any literature not held can be acquired via the interlibrary loan system. Key skills relating to targeted information searches are taught within the scope of a range of training courses.

Published in Study In Europe
Sunday, 08 October 2023 18:56

French universities

Individuals choose France for their educational needs for a number of very good reasons. Because the French are so adamant of being able to offer students the highest in educational standards, you can always count on your chosen college and program to be among the best that you can find anywhere in the world. The people of France take their education exceptionally seriously, and it shows in the education that you can find across the country.

Plenty of money is spent on education in France, and if getting the prime education that you want and need is important to you, studying in France is definitely the perfect option.

It is often said that the who’s who of elite futures choose France to attain their education. Engineers, military leaders and many others all turn to the prime education system in France to acquire their knowledge of the industry. They turn to the colleges in the country because they know the fantastic learning opportunities that await them when they do.

The baccalaureate is the gold standard when it comes to getting into a French university; but getting into a “grande école” is a whole other story. Entry into many of the “grandes écoles” requires “bac+2” level, which is equal to the level of the third year of university studies.  Entry into a “grande école” is usually available only for students who stay on in Lycée for two whole years after earning their baccalaureate.

The table below lists all public universities and private universities in France.

Region +Town or city of main campus University
(Clickable links)
Principal disciplinary fields
Université de Strasbourg A full range, including  theology
Mulhouse Université de Haute Alsace Arts, Sciences, Economics
Université de Bordeaux 

Université de Bordeaux 1
Université Michel Montaigne
Université Montesquieu
Université Ségalen
Science & technology
Law, Economics, Social & political science
Medicine, social sciences, oenology
Pau Université de Pau et du Pays de l'Adour Arts, law, science
Clermont Ferrand 
Université Blaise Pascal Arts, social sciences, science
Université d'Auvergne Medicine, law, economics, management
Université de Rennes 1 Medicine, law, economics, philosophy, maths, life sciences
Université de Haute Bretagne Arts and social sciences
Brest Université de Bretagne occidentale Arts, law, science, medicine
Vannes Université de Bretagne sud Arts, law & economics, science
Universite de Bourgogne Full range
Région du Centre
Université d'Orléans Arts, Law and economics, science
Tours Université Rabelais Full range
Université de Reims Full range
Corsica Corte Université Paoli Arts, law, science
Franche Comté
Université de Franche Comté Full range
Ile de France (Paris)
Université de Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne Humanities, economics, law
Université de Paris 2 PanthéonAssas Law, economics, legal journalism
Université de Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle Arts & human sciences
Université de Paris IV Sorbonne Arts & human sciences
Université Descartes Paris 5 Social sciences, law, maths, medicine
Université Curie, Paris 6 Science and medicine
Université Diderot Paris 7 Arts, humanities, social science, medicine, science
Université catholique de Paris Theology, arts, law, science
Saint Denis Université Paris VIII Vincennes à Saint Denis Arts, social sciences, economy, law, maths
Nanterre Université Paris Ouest
Paris X Nanterre
Arts, social sciences, economics, maths, IT
Créteil Université Paris est Créteil Val de Marne   Paris XII Full range
Villetaneuse Université Paris XIII nord Arts, social sciences, economics, law, medicine
Champs sur Marne Université Paris Est Marne la Vallée Arts, social sciences, economics, science
Cergy Pontoise Université de Cergy Pontoise Arts and human sciences, economics, law, science
Versailles Université de Versailles  Saint Quentin en Yvelines Science, social sciences, law & politics, medicine
Evry Université d'Evry   Val d'Essonne Law, economics, social sciences, science, technology
Orsay Université Paris sud   Paris XI Law, economics, medicine, pharmacy, science.
Languedoc   Roussillon

Université de Montpellier 1 Law, economics, medicine
Université de Montpellier 2 Science
Université Paul ValeryMontpellier 3 Arts, humanities, social sciences
Nimes Université de Nimes Arts, law, economics
Perpignan Université de Perpignan Arts, law, economics, science
Limousin Limoges Université de Limoges Full range
Université de Lorraine Arts, law, economics, business, science, maths
Nancy Université de Lorraine Science, medicine
Université de Lorraine Arts, humanities, social sciences, law, economics, maths, IT
Midi Pyrénées

Université de Toulouse 1   Capitole 18,000 Law, economics, IT
Université de Toulouse II   Le Mirail 23,000 Arts, social sciences, IT geography, maths
Université Paul Sabatier 29,000 Maths, IT, Science
Institut Catholique de Toulouse 2,650 Arts, social sciences, law, theology
Albi Université Champollion 3,000 Arts, social sciences, law, economy, science
Nord Pas de Calais

Université d'Artois 14,000 Arts & social sciences, economics, science
Lille Université de Lille 1 20,000 Science, maths, economics
Université de Lille 2   Droit et Santé 24,000 Law, business, medicine
Université Charles de Gaulle   Lille III 19,000 Arts, social sciences, maths
Université Catholique de Lille 6,000 Full range
Dunkerque Université du Littoral 10,000 Arts, social sciences, economics, science
Valenciennes Université de Valen ciennes 10,000 Arts, social sciences, economics, law, science

Université de Basse Normandie 24,000 Full range
Le Havre Université du Havre 7,000 Arts, social sciences, science, internationa affairs
Rouen Université de Rouen 25,000 Full range
Pays de la Loire Angers Université d'Angers 20,000 Full range
Université catholique de l'Ouest 7,500 Arts, social sciences, science
Le Mans Université du Maine 10,000 Arts, social sciences, law, economics, science
Nantes Université de Nantes 34,000 Full range
Picardy Amiens Université de Picardie   
Jules Verne
21,000 Full range
Compiègne Université de technologie de Compiègne 4,000 Science and technology
Poitou Charentes
La Rochelle
Université de La Rochelle 7,000 Arts, social sciences, law, management, science
Poitiers Université de Poitiers 24,000 Full range
Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur

Aix   Marseille
Aix Marseille Université 23,000 Arts & social sciences, Science
24,000 Economics, management, science, medicine
22,000 Law, politics, economics, management
Avignon Université d'Avignon 7,000 Arts & social sciences, economics, law, science
Nice Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis 25,000 Full range
Toulon Université de Toulon 10,000 Arts, social sciences, economics, law, science
Rhone Alpes

Université de Savoie 11,000 Arts, social sciences, law, science
Grenoble Université Joseph Fourier 16,000 Science & medicine
Université Pierre Mendès France 17,000 Law, economics, human sciences
Université Stendhal Grenoble III 6,000 Arts, social sciences

Université Claude Bernard   Lyon I 36,000 Science, technology, medicine
Université Lumière   Lyon II 27,000 Arts, social sciences, law, politics
Université Jean Moulin   Lyon III 22,000 Arts, law, philosophy
Université catholique de Lyon 4,400 Arts, law, science, theology
Saint Etienne Université Jean Monnet 15,000 Arts, social sciences, law, economics, science
Published in Study In Europe
Sunday, 01 October 2023 17:42

Best Universities in France

Top universities in France:Discover top universities in France and find your best study option in France. University rankings help students and researchers to compare the quality of higher education institutions and to identify the best universities worldwide. Highly ranked universities receive top scores on indicators such as learning environment, influence on scientific papers, program variety, international focus, and more.

1 Université de Caen Basse-Normandie


2  Université Claude Bernard Lyon I


3  Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis


Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


5  École Centrale de Lyon


6  Université Paris Sud - Paris 11

Orsay ...

7  Université de Rennes 1

Rennes ...

8  Université Pierre et Marie Curie


9  École Normale Supérieure


10  Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis

St-Denis ...

11  Université de Poitiers


12  Université Paris Diderot


13  Université de Technologie de Compiegne


14  Université Montpellier 2


15  Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3


16  École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales


17  Université Lille 3


18  Université de Toulouse II - Le Mirail


19  École Centrale Paris


20  Université Paris-Sorbonne


41  Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines


42  Université de Picardie Jules Verne


43  Université de Bretagne Occidentale


44  Université de Limoges


45  Aix-Marseille Université


46  Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne


47  Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon


48  Université du Maine

Le Mans

49  Université Jean Moulin Lyon III


50  École des Hautes Etudes Commerciales


51  Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour

Pau ...

52  Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II


53  Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble

Grenoble ...

54  Université Lille 2


55  Université de Savoie

Chambéry ...

56 Université Pierre Mendès-France


57  Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis

Valenciennes ...

58  École Normale Supérieure de Cachan


59  Université de Haute-Alsace

Mulhouse ...

60  Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris

Paris ...

61  Université d'Orléans


62  Université d'Avignon et des pays de Vaucluse


63  Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II

Clermont Ferrand ...

64  École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l'Information et des Bibliothèques


65  Grenoble École de Management

Grenoble ...

66  École Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales

Cergy Pontoise

67  Université du Sud Toulon-Var

La Garde ...

68  ESCP Europe

Paris ...

69  Université de Cergy-Pontoise

Cergy Pontoise

70  Université Jean Monnet


71 École des Ponts ParisTech

Champs sur Marne ...

72  Université Rennes 2


73  Université de Perpignan Via Domitia


74  TELECOM ParisTech

Paris ...

75  Université du Littoral Cote d'Opale

Dunkerque ...

76  AgroParisTech

Paris ...

77  École Supérieure d'Electricité

Gif-sur-Yvette ...

78  École centrale de Lille


79  ESPCI ParisTech


80  École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Électronique et Électrotechnique


81  Université Stendhal Grenoble 3


82  Université de Bretagne Sud

Lorient ...

83  École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de St-Etienne


84  École Nationale d'Administration


85  Université Henri Poincaré

Nancy ...

86  Université d'Artois

Arras ...

87  École des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique


88  École Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort


89  École Centrale de Nantes


90  Université Toulouse I Capitole


91 Arts et Métiers ParisTech

Paris ...

92  Université du Havre

Le Havre

93  Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3

Pessac ...

94  Université d'Évry-Val d'Essonne


95  Télécom Bretagne

Brest ...

96  Université de Corse Pascal Paoli


97  Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III


98  Institut Catholique de Paris


99  École Normale Supérieure de Lyon


100  Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard

Belfort ...

101  Université de la Rochelle

La Rochelle

102  Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV


103  Audencia Nantes School of Management


104  Université Nancy 2


105  ENSTA ParisTech


106  Université Catholique de Lille

Lille ...

107  EMLYON Business School


108  Université Paul Verlaine - Metz


109  École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Caen


110  Université de Technologie de Troyes


111  Montpellier SupAgro


112  Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine

Vandoeuvre les Nancy

113  Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Strasbourg


114 Groupe ICN École de Management

Nancy ...

115  Reims Management School


116  SKEMA Business School

Lille ...

117  École Nationale Supérieure de l'Electronique et de ses Applications

Cergy Pontoise

118  TELECOM & Management SudParis


119  Toulouse Business School

Toulouse ...

120  Université de Nîmes


121  École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes


122  École des Mines d'Alès


123  École de Management de Normandie

Le Havre ...

124  École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier


125  Université Bordeaux Segalen


126  Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée


127  École des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux


128  École pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avancées

Le Kremlin-Bicêtre ...

129  Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse


130  EDHEC Business School

Roubaix ...

131  Université d'Auvergne

Clermont Ferrand ...

132  TELECOM École de Management


133  École Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie


134  École des Mines de Nantes


135  École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile


136 Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse


137 The American University of Paris


138  École Supérieure d'Informatique, Electronique, Automatique



139  École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers

Angers ...

140 École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l'Information

Cergy Pontoise ...

141  École d'ingénieurs des Technologies de l'information et de la Communication


142  Université Catholique de l'Ouest


143  L'École de design Nantes Atlantique

Nantes ...

144  ECE Paris Ecole d'Ingénieurs


145  Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen

Saint Etienne du Rouvray

146  Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes


147  Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace


148  Kedge Business School

Bordeaux ...

149  École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat


150  Agrocampus Ouest


151  École Supérieure de Chimie, Physique, Electronique de Lyon


152  VetAgro Sup

Lyon ...

153  INSEEC Alpes-Savoie

Le Bourget-du-Lac

154 École Supérieure d'Agriculture d'Angers


155  Université Catholique de Lyon


156  Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais


157  Institut d'Optique Graduate School

Palaiseau ...

158  École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Aérotechnique


159  École Centrale de Marseille


160  Centre Universitaire Jean-François Champollion

Albi ...


161  Institut Supérieur d'Électronique de Paris Paris
162  ENSAE ParisTech Malakoff
163  EPF École d'Ingénieurs Sceaux
164  Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation de Nantes-Atlantique


165  École Supérieure d'Electronique de l'Ouest Angers
166  École Supérieure de Commerce de Dijon Dijon
167  École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles


168 Ecole Catholique d’Arts et Métiers Lyon
169  Hautes Études d'Ingénieur Lille
170  École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse Toulous
171  École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest Plouzané
172  École des Mines de Douai Douai
173  École Nationale des Sciences Géographiques Marne-la-Vallée
174  École Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile Levallois-Perret ...
175  École Nationale Supérieure de Mécaniques et des Microtechniques


176  École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Saint-Etienne Saint-Étienne
177  Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux Pessac
178  École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille Villeneuve-d'Ascq ...
179  Institut Français de Mécanique Avancée Clermont-Ferrand
180  École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Metz Metz

181  École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nancy


182  Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancées

Ivry sur Seine ...

183  Groupe ISA


184  École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris


185  École Nationale de la Météorologie


186  École d'Ingénieurs en Génie des Systèmes Industriels

La Rochelle

187  École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne


188  Supméca - Institut supérieur de mécanique de Paris


189 Groupe ICAM - Institut Catholiques d'Arts et Métiers

Lille ...

190 École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Génie Electrique

Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray ...

191  Institut Supérieur d'Électronique et du Numérique


192  École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'information

Bruz ...

193  École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci


194  Institut Supérieur d'Agriculture et d'Agroalimentaire Rhone-Alpes


195  NEOMA Business School


196  IFP School


197  École Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées


198  École Supérieure de Commerce de Saint-Etienne


199  École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tarbes


200  École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique pour l'Industrie et l'Entreprise


201 France Business School

Brest ...

202  Institut Catholique de Toulouse


203  École Supérieure de Commerce de Pau


204  École Louis de Broglie


205  ESME Sudria

Ivry sur Seine

206  École Nationale d'Ingénieurs des Travaux Agricoles de Bordeaux


207  École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse

Toulouse ...

208  École d'Ingénieurs de Purpan

Toulouse ...

209  École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand


210  Institut Textile et Chimique de Lyon


211  Chimie ParisTech


212  Institut Supérieur des Matériaux et Mécaniques Avancés du Mans

Le Mans

213  3iL Ecole d'ingénieurs


214 École Supérieure Angevine d'Informatique et de Productique

Angers ...

215 École Supérieure d'Ingenieurs en Informatique et Génie des Télécommunications


216  École Supérieure du Bois


217  École Nationale Supérieure de Céramique Industrielle
218  École Supérieure de Chimie Organique et Minérale


219  Esitpa, École d'Ingénieurs en Agriculture


220  École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie et de Physique de Bordeaux


221  École Nationale Supérieure de la Nature et du Paysage


222  École Supérieure d'Agro-développement International

Cergy Pontoise

223  Institut national des sciences appliquées Centre Val de Loire

Blois ...

224  École de Biologie Industrielle Cergy
225  École des Métiers de l'Environnement Bruz
226  Montpellier Business School Montpellier
227  École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs des Travaux de la Construction de Caen


228  École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs des Travaux de la Construction de Cachan


229  EIL Côte d'Opale Longuenesse
230  École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs des Travaux de la Construction de Metz


231  Campus Adventiste du Salève Collonges-sous-Saleve
232  Institut Supérieur du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics


233 TELECOM Lille 1

Villeneuve d'Ascq

234  École Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge




Published in Study In Europe
Monday, 09 October 2023 00:23

List of Universities In Lebanon

List of Universities In Lebanon
Lebanese education system could by classified into two major systems. Lebanese education system could by classified into two major systems. Lebanese universities are either run according to the French system (e.g. Université Saint-Joseph) or they have the American system (e.g. AUB, LAU, UOB etc.).
The roots of Lebanese education are very old and the powerful education system and institutions in Lebanon are famous not only regionally but globally.
According to the World Bank, 46.9% of males and 56.3% of females enroll into the higher education in Lebanon.
As for the private enrollment, 53.4% enroll into private institutions of higher education.  
Lebanese University http://www.ul.edu.lb/
American University of Beirut, AUB http://www.aub.edu.lb/
Saint Joseph University, USJ http://www.usj.edu.lb/
Lebanese American University, LAU http://www.lau.edu.lb/
Notre Dame University Louaize, NDU http://www.ndu.edu.lb/
USEK, KASLIK http://www.usek.edu.lb/
University of Balamand http://www.balamand.edu.lb/
ALBA, Sin el Fil – Beirut http://www.whereleb.com/
Haigazian University, HU http://www.haigazian.edu.lb/
Sagesse(la) University,ULS http://www.uls.edu.lb/
Antonin University, UPA http://www.upa.edu.lb/
American University of Technology http://www.aut.edu/
American University of Science & Technology, AUST https://www.aust.edu.lb/
Lebanese International University, LIU http://www.liu.edu.lb/lb/
Arab Open University, AOU http://www.aou.edu.lb/
Beirut Arab University, BAU http://www.bau.edu.lb/
Université Sainte Famille, USF http://www.usf.edu.lb/en/
Arts, Sciences & Technology University in Lebanon, AUL http://aul.edu.lb/
Académie des Hautes Etudes Diplomatiques et des Relations Internationales


American International University California University


American Pacific International University http://www.alblebanon.com/business/
Arab Baptist Theological Seminary Universities http://www.abtslebanon.org/
Lebanese Canadian university,LCU http://www.lcu.edu.lb/
Beirut Islamic University, Shariah Faculty Universities http://www.biu.edu.lb/
Continuing Education Center, CEC https://www.aub.edu.lb/REP/CEC/
Global University, GU http://www.gu.edu.lb/
Islamic University of Lebanon, IUL http://iul-islamic-university-of-lebanon.lebanonuniversities.tel/
Jinan University, JU Universities http://www.jinan.edu.lb/pages/en/about-jul
Kafaat (al), Institut Universitaire http://www.al-kafaat.org/universityeducation.html
Lebanese German University, LGU http://www.lgu.edu.lb/
Modern University for Business & Science, M.U.B.S.


Manar (al) University of Tripoli, MUT http://www.mut.edu.lb/
Matn University, Haret Hreik, Beirut http://www.muc.edu.lb/
Mediterranean Bible College, MBC http://www.alblebanon.com/business/
Mediterranean Institute of Management & EMA www.whereleb.com
Near East School of Theology http://www.theonest.edu.lb/
Middle East University, MEU http://meu.edu.lb/
Mediterranean University of Beirut, MUB http://www.alblebanon.com/business/

Université de Technologie et de Sciences Appliquées Libano-Française

Published in Study in Lebanon
Monday, 25 January 2016 20:47

British Universities

How and When to Apply

  • Make sure you get your application in well before the deadline, particularly if you want to study at one of the top universities in the UK. Or visit the nearest British Council office.
  • Non-EU international students
  • International students from a non-EU country can submit an application any time between 1 September and 30 June in the year preceding the academic year that studies commence.
  • However, most students apply well before 30 June to make sure that places are still available and to allow plenty of time to make immigration, travel and accommodation arrangements.
  • Students from overseas should therefore make sure they have sufficient funds for the full tuition fees and all necessary living costs before leaving home.
  • They will almost certainly be asked to guarantee in writing that they have sufficient funds for the complete duration of their course (see under Entry Regulations below).
  • It is virtually impossible to arrange financial support after leaving home.
  • They will almost certainly be asked to guarantee in writing that they have sufficient funds for the complete duration of their course (see under Entry Regulations below).
  • It is virtually impossible to arrange financial support after leaving home.

Tuition fees for international students

Subject £ Sterling
Humanities and Social Sciences £9,000–£10,800
Sciences and Engineering £10,200–£13,800
Clinical subjects £23,200–£26,000

 List of British Universities


  • http://www.ucb.ac.uk/home.aspx
Northern Ireland
Published in Study In Europe
Saturday, 23 January 2016 14:32

List of Universities in Germany

Germany is the world’s most popular non-Anglophone study destination, and the third most popular overall – only the US and the UK welcome more international students each year. Find out what motivates so many tostudy in Germany, and how to choose and apply to a German university.

Germany is a country characterized by variety. Trendy and modern Berlin can seem a world away from the more traditional and conservative Munich. The gleaming skyscrapers of Frankfurt form a stark contrast to quaint Heidelberg. And if bustling and fast-paced Hamburg becomes too much, you can always retreat to the peaceful and picturesque Middle Rhine region.

List of Universities in Germany

University Location Founded year
Technische Universität M?nchen
Otto Beisheim School of Management
Universität Heidelberg Heidelberg 1386
Freie Universität Berlin Berlin 1948
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Göttingen 1734
Aachen University of Technology
Berufsakademie Ravensburg
Dortmund University
Dresden Technical University
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald
Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Fachhochschule Fulda
Fachhochschule Karlsruhe
Fachhochschule Reutlingen, Hochschule fär Technik und Wirtschaft
Frankfurt University
Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena
GISMA Business School
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Dässeldorf
Humboldt-University, Berlin
Published in Study In Europe
Friday, 06 October 2023 23:32

Study In Lebanon

As ancient as the cedar tree, as mighty as the oak and as persevering as the mountain wall; this is Lebanon through and through, ever since the dawn of time.

Lebanon's diverse patchwork of Mediterranean-lapped coast, rugged alpine peaks, and green fertile valleys is packed into a parcel of land some 225km long and 46km wide – an area approximately the size of Cyprus or Connecticut.

An ancient land, Lebanon features in the writings of Homer and in the Old Testament.Its cities were major outposts and seaports in Phoenician and Roman times, just two of the great civilizations that touched this important Middle Eastern crossroads.

The cosmopolitan flair of modern-day Beirut, the gastronomic renown of the country's food and wine, and an educated and outward-looking population complement a country that is both traditional and progressive in outlook. For all the flavors of its storied past and rugged natural beauty, Lebanon is a well-kept tourist secret that begs exploration.

There are four main geographic regions in Lebanon, differentiated by topography and climate. From west to east, they include: the coastal plain, the Mount Lebanon Range, the Békaa Valley, and the Anti-Lebanon Range.


The Anti-Lebanon Range is a stretch of arid mountains that rise to the east of the Békaa Valley and form part of the country's eastern border with Syria.

The Békaa Valley, known in ancient times as “the breadbasket” or “granary” of the Roman Empire, is still the country's main agricultural region. Located on a high plateau between the country's two mountain ranges, the river-fed Békaa supports the production of tomatoes, potatoes, wheat, olives, and grapes, even despite summers that are hot and dry.

Besides some of Lebanon's best wineries (Ksara, Kefraya, Massaya), the Békaa's major attraction is the ruins at Baalbek. Originating as a place of worship to Baal, the Phoenician Sun God, Baalbek was known in Greco-Roman times as the famous Heliopolis, or “City of the Sun.” Perhaps because of the region's agricultural importance in feeding the inhabitants of the Roman Empire, some of the largest Roman temples ever constructed were erected at this site. The construction lasted over 200 years, and the well-preserved temples honor Jupiter, Bacchus, and Venus.

The lovely Lebanese coast is framed by the Mediterranean Sea to the west and the Mount Lebanon Range to the east, its temperate climate bringing in sunny, hot summers and cool, rainy winters. The daytime temperature in the summer, which averages 30°C (86°F), encourages people to head to the beach or to the higher, altitude-cooled mountain slopes. In the coastal cities of Saida (Sidon) and Jbail (Byblos), tourists can enjoy the rare opportunity to snorkel amongst long-submerged Phoenician ruins, while excellent hiking is a mere hour away in the Chouf region of the Mount Lebanon Range.

The Mount Lebanon Range includes numerous rivers that fizz with snowmelt, steep-walled gullies that shade grottoes once the hideout to those fleeing persecution, and also Lebanon's highest summit, Qornet Es-Saouda (3,090m). In winter, the high peaks are blanketed with snow, lending Lebanon its name, Lubnan, the Arabic word for “white.” Lebanon boasts a number of world-class ski resorts, one of only a couple countries in the Middle East where you can ski. The ski season runs from December until April.


The Mount Lebanon Range is also the location of Lebanon's Cedar Reserves. The great cedar forests of Lebanon, now protected, are famous for their use in the construction of some of the holiest buildings in the region, indeed the world, including Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock and Solomon's Temple.

To visit Lebanon is to dispel preconceived notions that linger from a relatively short moment in a long, vivid, and fascinating history: drink in the energetic, urbane vibe of revitalized Beirut; explore a diverse and beautiful landscape that lends itself easily to an unforgettable (and largely untrammeled) multi-sport adventure; marvel at archaeological wonders that are windows into the cradle of civilization; and simply enjoy the welcome of a people who are naturally hospitable, friendly, and gregarious.

Published in Study in Lebanon
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