University of Balamand UOB Department of Psychology

If you like careers in help and care, communication, social sciences and community involvement than psychology is for you.
The Department of Psychology aims at providing a scholarly and illustrated overview of current theories of personality, learning, behavior, counseling and psychotherapies, within a comparative framework that elucidates their basic concepts, history, variants and applications. It adopts a multidisciplinary approach and brings into play theories from biology, developmental and social psychology, psychoanalysis and positive psychology in order to explore the dynamics of development, adaptation, well-being and mental health. It prepares students to make their choices with regard to their future practice in psychology. Courses offered by the department incorporate a significant practical element allowing students to build a deeper understanding of the reality of the studied phenomena. All courses are founded on the ethical philosophy of social responsibility and the respect of human rights.
Language of Instruction: English and French
The Department of Psychology offers the following degrees:
1- Bachelor of Arts in General Psychology
2- A minor in General Psychology
3- A minor in Psychosocial Studies
4- Master in Clinical or developmental and educational Psychology
I-The Bachelor of Arts program
Admission criteria: Lebanese baccalaureate or its equivalence, language proficiency in English or French.
The program encompasses 90 credits that deal with psychology core knowledge, general cultural studies, language proficiency and free elective courses. Specialized courses in psychology are:
Core courses: 42 credits core courses for the BA in Psychology
Introduction To Psychology 3 credits
Child Development                3 credits
Adolescent Development 3 credits
Basic Psychobiology 3 credits
Neuroscience of Behavior 3 credits
Foundation of Psychoanalyses 3 credits
Social Psychology  3 credits
Psychology of the Personality 3 credits
Statistics 3 credits
Theories in Counseling and Psychotherapy 3 credits
Tests And Measurements 3 credits
Child And Adolescent Psychopathology 3 credits
Adult Psychopathology         3 credits
Elective courses in psychology
Psychology of adults and Elderly 3 credits
Psychology Of Groups 3 credits
Projective Techniques 3 credits
Applications in Stress Management 3 credits
Psychology And Education 3 credits
Psychomotricity 2 credits
Topics in psychology 3 credits
II- Minor in general Psychology
This minor is offered to students from outside the department of Psychology its aim is to give a general knowledge about the discipline of Psychology. To qualify for a Minor in General Psychology, the student must complete a total of 15 credits chosen from the core course or electives of the department.
III-Minor in Psychosocial studies
This minor is offered to students from outside the department of Psychology and to students from the department of Psychology who want to choose their free electives as a specialization in the field of psychosocial studies. it offers the opportunity to gain an understanding of people in their social and cultural contexts. The courses of this minor are:
11 credits core courses for the minor in psychosocial studies
Social Psychology 3 credits
Families: Adaptation and Non-adaptation 2 credits
Schools: Adaptation and Non-adaptation 2 credits
Communities: Adaptation and Non-adaptation 2 credits
Informal Education 2 credits
At least 4 credits electives to be chosen from the following courses
Education in Emergency Situations 2 credits
Mental Health in Emergencies 2 credits
Education for Human Protection in Emergencies 2 credits
Why Balamand?
The Professors of the Department are well qualified practitioners and researchers in their field.
UOB students graduating with a degree in psychology can find jobs as counselors, consultants, therapists, professors or researchers. If they earn an MA from our university they become eligible to open their own cabinet.
Every semester the Department of Psychology organizes open workshops to the community and to UOB students allowing a better understanding of the psychology discipline for example the Psychological First Aid Workshops, the Psychosocial support workshop and the Talk series are of special popularity.
The Department offers excellent supervised training opportunities.
We have 25% discount on the BA program and 50% discount on the MA program.