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Business Management and Administration
Q. What is the mission and vision of the Business Management and Administration Department at the Issam Fares Faculty of Technology at the University of Balamand?
A. The Business Management and Administration (BMA) Department at the Issam Fares Faculty of Technology (IFFT) provides training to enable students to occupy key management positions and shoulder responsibilities in different areas of management.
Devoted to academic excellence and training, the BMA Department turns out highly professional business people and policy leaders, ethical industry consultants, creative thinkers, innovative industrial entrepreneurs, and active citizens, in Lebanon and the region.
Our vision is to be recognized as a community committed to clear and honest thinking while at the same time fully connected to the real world, this dual approach enabling us to offer our students the best in education, training and development.
Q. How would you describe the IFFT Business Management and Administration Program?
A. We were the pioneer in the Akkar region; as such, we have been recognized as the local leader. However, we are constantly learning and updating in order to keep pace with change in social media awareness, technological advance, and demand and supply in the Lebanese and regional job market. We work hard at strengthening relationships with professional organizations both in our own interest as educators and in the interest of the market economy. Most of our students have either started their careers in the job market or are pursuing MBA studies at the University of Balamand or at other national universities.
Q. What differentiates the IFFT Business Management and Administration Program from other such programs?
A. The Department is proud to have a team of teachers who believe in perseverance and synergy and can help students acquire a comprehensive view of organizations and institutions, in due course assisting them in their search for employment. The teaching team is:
• Knowledgeable, generally, professionally, and specifically in modern technology
• Practical, encouraging and implementing both individual and team work
• Ambitious, striving for student development in autonomy, initiative, and responsibility
We believe that successful managers have learnt to seek the collective good as well as their individual profit. For this reason, our teachers try to inculcate into their students such core qualities as integrity, courage and sympathy.
Q. How does the BMA program influence students?
A. Our program is student-centered; we believe in collaborative learning. In educating our students we interact with them – these future leaders – towards becoming professionals who will be agents of change in their national and regional, social and business, environments.
Q. What are the benefits of student-centered teaching?
A. The interactive nature of the student-centered approach makes students more versatile, able to imbibe and store information of all kinds. Student-centered teaching takes into account the different learning needs of each individual, speeding up the learning process. In short, we believe student-centered teaching to be the most effective form of instruction, catering for every type of learner.
Q. What are the Department’s objectives?
A. Our objective is to facilitate the process of transforming the student into a business professional. We thus offer the student:
• A multidisciplinary approach to education
• Evidence-based theoretical and experience-based practical knowledge
• A level of education fitting him/her for post-graduates studies (MBA, PhD) in a number of disciplines in Lebanon or abroad
Q. What are the potential employment opportunities of a BMA graduate?
A. Students graduating with a BS in the Business Management and Administration Department have the opportunity to experience business training with two top industrial and or governmental organizations during their years of study. This opens employment opportunities in areas such as accounting, finance, banking, insurance, tax consultation, human resources (HR), public services, sales and distribution, import-export business.
Q. What are the higher academic degrees that can be pursued after a BA in Business Management and Administration?
A. Our graduates can pursue such higher degrees as Master in Business Administration (MBA), or a PhD in such areas as accounting, banking and finance, human resource management (HR), marketing, as well as other aspects of modern business.
Q. What is the total number of credits needed for undergraduate studies?
A. Students will need a total of 100 credits in order to complete graduation requirements for courses in accounting (Financial Accounting, Analytical Accounting, Advanced Accounting, Management Control and Budget, Audit), marketing and management (Marketing Principles, International Standards IAS-IFRS, Management Principles and Ethics, Human Resources Management, International Trade), economics (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics), finance (Financial Analysis, Taxation and VAT, Financial Management, International Finance, Banking and Finance), and many others.
The Business Management and Administration Department in the Issam Fares Faculty of Technology, University of Balamand, offers degrees at Al-Kurah and Beino, Akkar. We welcome all enquiries about BMA degrees and look forward to discussing such queries in person with interested applicants.
Want more information?
For more detailed information and to keep up to date with the latest news from the Program, please contact:
Al-Kurah Campus: + 961 6 931952, Ext. 3881. Beino Campus: + 961-6-931972 Ext.5401
Email: walid.dagher@balamand.edu.lb