Displaying items by tag: international scholarship

Swinburne University of Technology Australia Is Organizing Swinburne Tuition Fee Scholarship 2011

The Tuition Fee Scholarship offers a tuition fee exemption (valued at $20k p.a.) for up to four years for doctoral studies and two years for Masters by research. This scholarship is open to international students. Students are automatically considered for this scholarship as part of the application for candidature process.

How To Apply:
The application form and information regarding admission to Research Higher Degrees is available from the Research Higher Degrees website. Please note that the same application form is used to apply for Research Higher Degree candidature and research scholarships.

Last Date To Apply: 28.5.2011

Contact: Email: research@swin.edu.au

Source: http://www.research.swinburne.edu.au/

National Library of Australia Is Organizing Harold White Fellowships 2011
About National Library of Australia:
The National Library of Australia is the country’s largest reference library. Our role is to ensure that documentary resources of national significance relating to Australia and the Australian people, as well as significant non-Australian library materials, are collected, preserved and made accessible either through the Library itself or through collaborative arrangements with other libraries and information providers.

The National Library of Australia offers annual fellowships to established researchers and writers. Established by the Council of the National Library of Australia in 1983 as the National Library Fellowships, the first Fellows commenced their research at the Library in 1984. The fellowships were renamed in honour of Sir Harold White CBE (1905-1992), the first National Librarian, in 1985.
The fellowships scheme aims to promote the Library as a centre of scholarly activity and research, encourage scholarly and literary use of the Library’s collections and production of publications arising from that scholarship, and to promote the Library’s rich and varied collections.
Four to seven fellowships, of periods from three to six months, are awarded annually.

Fellowships are open to established Australian and international researchers and creative writers in any discipline in which the Library has strong collections. Successful applicants are generally senior scholars or writers with a strong publication track record, including publication of full length monographs. Fellowships are not intended for post-doctoral or early career researchers. More than 100 Fellowships have been awarded to scholars from a wide variety of disciplines, and to several award winning Australian creative writers, including Frank Moorhouse, Sara Dowse and David Foster.
Fellowships are not provided to assist with the completion of degree studies and applications from currently enrolled students will not be considered.  Fellowships are awarded once only to each individual; subsequent applications from previous recipients will not be considered.

The Library’s Fellowships give scholars and writers the means and the uninterrupted time to work with the Library’s rich collections of books, journals, newspapers, maps, music, manuscripts, pictures and oral histories.  Fellows have privileged access to the Library’s materials and facilities, as well as sustained interaction with many of its staff.

Fellowships are awarded by the National Library Council, on the advice of an independent committee of representatives from Australia’s learned Academies, the Independent Scholars Association of Australia, the Australian Society of Authors and the Australian Library and Information Association.
The Committee assesses applications against specified criteria, including:
1.the capacity of the Library’s collections to support the proposed research, especially the extent to which the research might be uniquely supported by the collections
2.the scholarly or creative record of the applicant as shown by publication record and – for academic applicants – positions held; and
3.referee reports.
The Committee is not bound by national research priorities, and does not consider current topicality of the proposed research.  The Committee does not take into account place of residence, employment status or other support available to the applicant, with the exception that Fellowships are not awarded to applicants with a current Australian Research Council grant for the same research project.

Fellows are provided with a return economy airfare to Canberra, an honorarium of $850 per week for the period of the Fellowship in Canberra, use of a fully equipped office, 24 hour access to the Library, and free photocopying and interlibrary loans.
The Library also awards Honorary Fellowships to scholars and writers who do not require financial assistance (i.e. airfare and honorarium) but who would benefit from the other privileges of the Fellowships.

Last Date To Apply: 1.4.2011
Phone + 61 (0)2 6262 1111
Fax +61 (0)2 6257 1703

Source: http://www.nla.gov.au/

About University of Western Australia:
The University of Western Australia acknowledges that it is situated on Noongar land, that the Noongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land and continue to practise their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge. The University of Western Australia (UWA) is a leading Australian research university and has an international reputation for excellence, innovation and enterprise.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified international students for scholarships to undertake the degree of Master by Research or Doctor of Philosophy at The University of Western Australia. The purpose of the IPRS and the UWA SIRF scheme is to attract top quality international postgraduate students to areas in which the University has specialised research strengths and to support Australia’s research effort. Successful applicants can expect to become members of a research team working under the direction of senior researchers and in an area which has attracted external resources.

• Have completed a four year undergraduate degree at first-class honours level or equivalent. An applicant may be disadvantaged if the Scholarships Committee cannot make a comparison with The University of Western Australia’s standards, particularly in relation to the class of Honours achieved, ie first or second class Honours;
• Intend to enrol as a full-time candidate for a Master’s degree by research or a PhD degree;
• Will be commencing their course in the semester following the scholarship round in which they have successfully applied;
• Provide evidence of achieving English language proficiency to the following standards:
* IELTS SCORE OF 6.5, with speaking and listening no less than 6.0, and with reading and writing no less than 6.5;
* Paper-based TOEFL score of 580 or above (Computer-based TOEFL test is not acceptable) with a Test of Spoken English score of 45 and a TWE (Test of Written English) of 4.5;
* iBT TOEFL internet-based test score of 95 with 22 for reading and listening, 24 for speaking and 23 for writing;
* Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English: C grade;
* Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English: B grade;
* UWA CELT Bridging Program – ‘B+’ grade or above
Please note: Entry to a Law higher degree by research requires IELTS of 7.5, with Speaking and Listening no less than 7.0, and with Reading and Writing no less than 7.5. Education and Dentistry require an overall IELTS score of 7.0, with a minimum of 6.5 in Reading and Writing

Last Date To Apply: 1.9.2011

Scholarships Office (M358)
The University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley WA 6009

Source: http://www.uwa.edu.au/

The Royal Society of New South Wales Is Organizing Scholarships 2011
About Royal Society:
The Royal Society of New South Wales, Australia was established as the Philosophical Society of Australasia on 27th June 1821. It was the first scientific society in the British Colony of New South Wales, and was formed “with a view to enquiring into the various branches of physical science of this vast continent [Australia] and its adjacent regions”. On his arrival in Sydney late in 1821 the new Governor-General (as he was then called), Sir Thomas Brisbane, was offered and accepted the position of President.

Applications for Royal Society of New South Wales Scholarships are sought from candidates working in a science related field within New South Wales or the Australian Capital Territory. There is no restriction with respect to field of study and up to three Scholarships will be awarded each year. Applicants must be Australian citizens or Permanent Residents of Australia. Applicants must be enrolled as research students at a University in NSW or the ACT.

The award consists of a certificate acknowledging your achievement, a $500 prize and a free year of membership of the Society. The winners will be expected to deliver a short presentation of their work at the Monthly Meeting of the Society in December and may be invited to prepare a review style paper for the Society’s Journal. The awards will be presented at this meeting.

How To Apply:
There is no application form but your application should include a statement of the significance of your project, an abstract of your work (ca 500 words) and a brief curriculum vitae, including details of your undergraduate study and any professional experience. Be sure to enclose a list of your publications. A statement of support from your supervisor, confirming details of your candidature must be included. The closing date for applications is 30th September of each year. The applications will be considered by a selection committee appointed by the Council of the Society and the decision will be made before the end of October. The decision of the committee is final. The scholarships will be awarded on merit.

Last Date To Apply: 30 September of each year.

University of Adelaide Is Organizing Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) 2011

About the Adelaide Graduate Centre:
The Graduate Centre is responsible for the management and administration of research education at the University of Adelaide including:
* admissions (domestic students only)
* enrolments
* candidature
* scholarships
* thesis examination
* the delivery of professional development programs for research students and supervisors
* the Integrated Bridging Program—Research (IBP-R) for international students and recent permanent residents for whom English is an alternative language.

The University of Adelaide offers a scholarships scheme for international students undertaking postgraduate research study. Its purpose is to attract high quality overseas postgraduate students to areas of research strength in the University of Adelaide to support its research effort. The selection for scholarships is extremely competitive. Up to 10 prestigious scholarships may be available in the mid year round of scholarships for 2011 to outstanding international students from any country undertaking postgraduate research in any academic discipline.

Applicants should hold at least the equivalent of an Australian First Class Honours degree. This is a four year degree with a major research project in the final year. Other criteria that will be taken into consideration is undergraduate performance, bachelor and honours awards and scholarships, other postgraduate degrees, publications in internationally refereed journals, the presentation of conference papers and relevant industry experience. Applications for these scholarships are always highly competitive.  Generally ASI recipients have completed a Masters degree including a significant research component and have several publications and relevant work and research experience.

The ASI provides:
1. Course tuition fees for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only);
2. Health insurance cover for students; and
3. An annual living allowance of approximately $22,250 (2010 value) for the normal duration of the program.

* ASI Scholarship will be awarded strictly on academic merit. Extra-curricular achievements will not be considered.
* Citizens and Permanent Residents of Australia, and citizens of New Zealand are ineligible.
* Those undertaking research via remote candidature are ineligible.
* International applicants are not eligible for an ASI if they have already commenced the degree for which they are seeking an award, unless they can establish that they were unable to apply for an ASI in the last round of the previous calendar year.
* International applicants who have not provided evidence of their meeting English language proficiency requirements by the closing date are not eligible for an ASI.
* International applicants must not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to an Australian Research Doctorate degree or, if undertaking a Research Masters degree, not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to or higher than an Australian Research Masters degree.
* Candidates are required to enrol in the University of Adelaide as ‘international students’ and must maintain ‘international student’ status for the duration of their enrolment in the University.
* Scholarships are available for the normal duration of the program, subject to satisfactory progress. For students enrolled in a PhD, extensions beyond three years and six months require the approval of the Graduate Scholarships Committee and would only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
* Scholarships holders must commence study at The University of Adelaide in Semester 1 or Semester 2, 2011. No ASI may be commenced after 31 August.
* Scholarship winners will not be permitted to defer commencement until 2012.
* Applicants who applied in previous international scholarship rounds are not eligible to apply again.

Last Date To Apply: 31.7.2011

Adelaide Graduate Centre
Level 6
115 Grenfell Street
SA 5005
Telephone: +61 8 8303 5882
Facsimile: +61 8 8303 5725

Source: http://www.adelaide.edu.au/graduatecentre/

American Political Science Association Is Organizing Minority Fellowship 2011

About APSA:
APSA is guided in its activities by a Constitution and By-laws and governed by a 26-person Council. The President, President-Elect, three Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and 16 Council members are elected by APSA’s members. The Executive Director, the Managing Editor of the APSR, the Managing Editor of the Perspectives on Politics, and the chair of the Program Committee are also voting members of the Council.

In 2009, APSA celebrated 40 years of the American Political Science Minority Fellows Program (MFP) success! The MFP was established in 1969 (originally as the Black Graduate Fellowship) in efforts to increase the number of minority scholars in the discipline.  To mark this occasion, MFP Alumni and former APSA Staff members who worked with the program gathered at the 2009 Annual Meeting for a Roundtable entitled: “The 40th Anniversary of the APSA Minority Fellowship Program: Promoting Scholarship and Diversity” and for a 40th Anniversary Reception.

The APSA Minority Fellows program is designed primarily for minority students applying to enter a doctoral program in POLITICAL SCIENCE.  Additional eligibility criteria include:
1.Applicants must be members of one of the following racial/ethnic minority groups: African Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Latinos/as, and Native Americans (federal and state recognized tribes)
2.Applicants must be college/university seniors, college/university graduates, or students currently enrolled in a Master’s Program applying for doctoral study at another political science program/institution
3.Applicants must demonstrate an interest in teaching and potential for research in political science
4.Applicant must be a United States citizen at time of award

How To Apply:
1.A personal statement (maximum 500 words)
3.An official transcript
4.Three letters of recommendation from professors or others who can speak directly to your skills and knowledge of political science and potential for graduate study in political science
5.GRE scores (for more info, visit www.ets.org/gre).
6.The APSA Institution Code for the GRE is 3527.

Last Date To Apply: 25.4.2011

APSA Minority Fellows Program
C/o Shaunda Ragland
American Political Science Association
1527 New Hampshire Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20036-1206

Source: http://www.apsanet.org/index.cfm

World Bank Is Organizing Robert S. McNamara International Fellowships Program 2011

About World Bank:
The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. Our mission is to fight poverty with passion and professionalism for lasting results and to help people help themselves and their environment by providing resources, sharing knowledge, building capacity and forging partnerships in the public and private sectors.

The Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program was established in 1982 to honor the former President of the World Bank. The Program annually awards Fellowships to support innovative and imaginative post-graduate research in areas of socioeconomic development – specifically focusing on issues critical to improving the lives of the most vulnerable in society. To date, 282 Fellowships have been awarded, spanning issues related to development economics, health and population, education, environment, agricultural and infrastructure development, conflict resolution, the role of NGOs in development, trade and tax reforms, poverty reduction, and institutional and regulatory reform.
The Program’s funding comes from an investment income earned from an endowment fund set up by contributions from the World Bank and the governments of Bangladesh, China, India, Kuwait, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, and former Yugoslavia.

Fellowships are open to applicants who are nationals of, and residents in, countries which are currently eligible to borrow from the World Bank (See Program website for eligible countries). The research must be carried out in a member country of the World Bank other than the applicant’s own country, or country of residence at the time of application.
The Program provides support to young researchers working in academic and research institutions from eligible countries preparing a doctoral thesis. Research grants cover residence costs for a 5 to 10 month period in a renowned university or research center. Fellows are expected to advance their research work mainly by using the facilities provided by the host institution, having access to essential resources such as reference books and research publications, databases, software, etc., attending seminars (and eventually courses), and more generally by interacting with peers.

Period of Fellowship:
Fellowships are awarded for a period of five to ten months and must be completed between July 2011 and June 2012.

Appliocation Form: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTWBISFP/Resources/551491-1293654472530/RSMFP_AF_English_Application_2011.pdf

Last Date To Apply: 28.3.2011

The World Bank
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20433

Source: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/WBI/EXTWBISFP/EXTRSMFP/0,,contentMDK:21588557~menuPK:563061

The Kohl’s Cares® Scholarship Program 2011 at Kohl’s Department Stores

Introduction : The Kohl’s Cares® Scholarship Program recognizes and rewards young volunteers (ages 6-18) who help make their communities a better place to live.

Eligibility : To be eligible, the student must meet the following criteria as of March 15, 2011. Must be between the ages of 6 and 18 and not yet a high school graduate. Actions must be described in detail and should document efforts above and beyond what is expected of a child his or her age. Volunteer efforts must have occurred in the last year. Winners are chosen based on the project, benefits and outcome.

: This year, more than 2,100 kids will be recognized with over $415,000 in scholarships and prizes. Store Winners will receive a $50 Kohl’s Gift Card. Regional Winners will each be awarded a $1,000 scholarship for post-secondary education. National Winners will each be awarded a total of $10,000 in scholarships for Post – secondary education and Kohl’s will donate $1,000 to a non-profit organization on each winner’s behalf.

Notification: Store winners will be notified in May 2011. Regional winners will be notified in June 2011. National winners will be notified in July 2011. Non-recipients and nominators will not be    notified.

Recipients Claiming   Scholarships:

All recipients will be required to sign and return a Publicity Release / Acceptance Form as a condition of receiving a gift card and/or scholarship. Scholarship redemption is subject to recipient submitting verification of full-time enrollment in an undergraduate program at an accredited two-year or four-year college, university or vocational/technical school (a “Qualifying Institution”). In the event a recipient does not graduate from high school or does not enroll in a Qualifying Institution within two years after high school graduation, the scholarship will be forfeited. All scholarship recipients may be subject to a criminal background check.

Scholarship    Restrictions:
Scholarship awards must be used for educational expenses at a Qualifying Institution. These expenses may include tuition, fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation and other miscellaneous education related expenses. Scholarships will be paid in one installment in September and will be mailed to each recipient’s home address payable to the school for the student. Awards are one time only and are not renewable. No substitutions or transfers are permitted. Limit one award per household per year.

Nomination Form and Process: Visit www.kohlskids.com and click on “Nominate a Kid.” You will need to read and agree to an online Consent and register as a nominator. During the nomination process, you will be able to leave the site by clicking on the Save and Log out button located on any application page. To return, you must enter the username and password you entered when registering for your nomination account. Correspondence to nominators will be via email only; check your email regularly. You must provide a valid email address that accepts bulk email. To ensure delivery of messages, add kohls@scholarshipamerica.org to your contacts, email address book or safe senders list. Nominators may wish to gather the following information before beginning the nomination process:

• Information about the Student: Including full name, address, age, birth date, phone number and current grade in school.

• Information about the project: Including items collected, money raised, time spent, number of people affected, outcome of the project and general project description. Nominators are solely responsible for submitting in English all information necessary for the nomination process. Nominations found to be incomplete as of the nomination deadline will not be processed. No faxed or mailed nomination materials will be accepted. No email attachments are allowed. All information submitted is considered confidential and is reviewed only by Scholarship Management Services, Kohl’s partner in managing the Kohl’s Cares® Scholarship Program. Information about selected Students will be provided to Kohl’s for purposes of verification of eligibility, demographic research, publicity and recipient communication.

Carefully review your nomination before submission. All pages must be completed and entered in the format described in order to electronically submit the form. Standard capitalization must be used when entering data. Once the nomination is submitted, your nomination account will be closed and no revisions can be made. The nomination must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. CST, March 15, 2011. A confirmation email will be sent once you’ve electronically submitted your nomination.

Kohl’s Department      Stores
Attn:    Community     Relations         Department
N56      W17000           Ridgewood      Drive
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

E-mail : community.relations(AT)kohls.com / kohls(AT)scholarshipamerica.org

Contact Numbers : (262) 703-7000 / Fax: (262) 703-6305 / 1-507-931-1682

Source : http://www.kohlscorporation.com/CommunityRelations/scholarship/program-information.asp

The Steinbeck Fellows Program 2011 of San José State University in USA

Introduction: The Steinbeck Fellows Program of San José State University (SJSU), which was endowed through the generosity of Martha Heasley Cox, offers new writers of any age and background the opportunity to pursue a significant writing project while in residence at SJSU. The emphasis of the program is on helping emerging writers, which generally means someone who has had some success, but has not published extensively, and whose promising work would be aided by the financial support and sponsorship of the Center and the Unviersity’s cretive writing program. The Steinbeck Fellowship Program is named in honor of author John Steinbeck and is guided by his lifetime of work in literature, the media, and environmental activism. The program offers the opportunity to interact with other writers, faculty and graduate students, and to share their work in progress by giving a public reading once each semester during the fellowship.  The fellowships afford a stipend of $10,000. Housing assistance is available, depending upon need. Residency in the San José area is required during the academic year (approximately 1 September – 20 May).

Fellowships Offered: Currently, SJSU offers one-year fellowships in Steinbeck scholarship and in creative writing, including drama, creative nonfiction, and biography. In awarding fellowships, the selection committee considers the quality of the candidate’s proposal and any factors that would lead to expectations of future publication and other achievement. The creative writing fellowship does not require that there be any direct connection between Steinbeck’s works and that of the applicant. Applicants who are enrolled in a graduate program of study must furnish evidence that they have completed all coursework, except any course registration           associated       with            a          thesis. 

The fellowships afford a stipend of $10,000. Housing assistance may be available. Residency in the San José area is expected during the academic year.

Application    Checklist:
Proposal or Prospectus for Work to be Written (one to three pages describing your project and how you hope to use your time) / Resumé / Three Letters of Recommendation / Writing Sample (no more than thirty pages) / Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope.

Application Deadline: Postmark of 2 January 2012

Announcement of Award : By 15 March 2012

Steinbeck Fellows Program
Martha Heasley  Cox Center             for Steinbeck   Studies
San José State University San José, CA 95192 0202

Email :

Contact Number : 408-808-2067 / Fax : 408-808-2069