Meet the Nurses! “ I’m a nurse and I’m proud ” 2

Name: Maha Habre - RN,CEN,MSN
Major: Nursing
Year: graduated year 2007 
University: Univesity of Balamand

My three years spent at UOB’s Faculty of Health Sciences were quite remarkable and memorable. The campus at Ashrafieh, though barely consisting of one building, allowed for frequent significant interactions with the Faculty and Students of all health sciences majors. Those interactions set an example on collegiality and collaboration between health awareness and care professionals. I believe the Nursing Program has equipped me with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that allowed me to excel in my profession as a Registered Nurse. Ever since I graduated, I’ve been pursuing and successfully attaining continuing education and career opportunities that I had once dreamt of. Simply put, I am proud to be a Registered Nurse in Lebanon, and my years spent at UOB highly attribute to this pride!