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Admission requirements, documentation, test scores, and submission deadlines are the same for all undergraduate programs, with two main exceptions:

The application and all required documents, including TOEFL and SAT test scores (the code for LAU is 2595), must be submitted by the posted deadlines:

Only completed applications will be reviewed.

Required documents

Prospective students must submit all the documents in the checklist mentioned below for their application to be considered complete. Applicants must also pay the non-refundable application fee of $50 (LL 75,000).

Submit all documents to the campus to which you’re applying according to the instructions on the application form. Please note that submitted documents cannot be returned and become the property of LAU.

Go to the checklist of required documents 

Special information for applicants to the School of Engineering

Special information for Lebanese freshman applicants

Freshman applicants must earn a minimum combined SAT I and SAT II score of 2750 for Freshman Arts, or 2850 for Freshman Science, to be eligible for admission. (Note: Lebanese students must also secure permission from the Ministry of Education, as stated above.)

Required subjects in the SAT II exam differ for Freshman Arts and Freshman Science applicants:

Also, please note:

Transfer applicants

Applicants who have studied at other universities or colleges must submit official transcripts from all universities/colleges attended, along with academic catalogs.

If you have successfully completed the equivalent of at least 12 credits, you will not be required to sit for the SAT I. However, you might be required to sit for an English proficiency exam (depending on the university/college you attended).

Transfer applicants coming from a university or college from which LAU does not require an English exam, and who have not taken any English courses, will have the option of taking Remedial English (ENG009) or sitting for the English proficiency exam for placement in a higher-level class.
