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The American University of Beirut seeks students of sound character and demonstrated academic achievement and promise. In accordance with the policies of its founders and with its equal opportunity policy, the University admits students regardless of race, color, religion, gender, disability, or national origin. The University values its strong ties with its alumni and considers the attendance of alumni children important to the maintenance of these ties and to the continuation of its traditions.

University Preparatory Program (UPP)

For those with very weak English or those who scored very low on SAT 1 and TOEFL, the university offers a program called UPP: University Preparatory Program.

The University Preparatory Program (UPP) is intended for students who have completed high school with strong academic records but who have had little formal training in English, have not taken SAT I, and have achieved less than 490 on the paper-based TOEFL (equivalent to 163 on the computer based TOEFL or 57 on IBT) or 340 on the SAT I writing or less than 375 on the EEE.

UPP is a demanding, two-semester program. Students can begin the program in the fall semester or the spring semester. Students are allowed to spend up to two semesters in UPP before admission to AUB. UPP is a 20-hour per week program. Its curriculum follows an integrated approach to the teaching of language skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking).
Furthermore, the curriculum incorporates study skills, pronunciation training, and conversational English, depending on individual needs. The development of computer literacy and preparation for the SAT I critical reading and writing tests is emphasized as well. Five additional hours of electives are available as needed.

All UPP students, regardless of their citizenship or place of residence, are required to live on campus in one of AUB’s all-men or all-women residence halls, and to participate in a full or partial on-campus meal plan. There is one residential counselor/adviser for every ten students. Residence is required as a means to foster an immersion approach to language learning, giving students the opportunity to practice their English skills outside the classroom, in the dormitories, at meal times, and in extracurricular activities shared with enrolled AUB students.

Intensive English Summer Program for Newly Admitted Graduate students (Summer Term 2011) 

Newly admitted graduate students to AUB who have not met the English Language Proficiency Requirement of the University, but have scored 81 to 87 on the internet-based TOEFL or equivalent have the option of registering in a 7-week intensive English Summer Program: UPGR 001 Preparatory English for Graduate Students (June 20-August 5, 2011; 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.). This is a graduate level intensive English course designed to equip participants with the requisite English language skills and academic competencies for success in their graduate studies.

If you take this course and perform adequately, you will be accepted into your program for the Fall semester without retaking the TOEFL or another placement test. In order for students to progress to English 300 Writing in the Disciplines and enroll in their accepted majors during Fall 2011-12, they must score 70/100 as an average in the program.

The tuition for this course is $1500. Limited scholarship funds are available in some Faculties. If you are planning to take advantage of this opportunity, you should inform the University Preparatory Program (UPP) by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ( You also have to send a copy of the request to register in the course to the Dean’s Office in the Faculty/School in which you have been admitted. If you would like to apply for financial aid (support towards the course tuition), send your request for support to the Dean’s office of the Faculty/School in which you have been admitted.

The course will be open for registration starting June 13, 2011 until June 22, 2011.

Applicants should have completed at least twelve years of schooling, or equivalent, before beginning the program, and must submit a transcript from the two most recent years of school, a school recommendation, a UPP application form, and an application fee of $50.

Completed applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Students are notified of acceptance or non acceptance to UPP within four weeks of submitting the application.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: (961)1 374374, ext 2585,90,96
Fax: (961)1 750775

5- Application fees (50$) can be paid in one of the following ways:

Cash: at the cashier’s office in AUB (
Check: you can place a 50$ check along with the application and the documents and mail them to us at the admissions office (please note that only checks drawn to US or Lebanese Banks are acceptable).
Wire transfer the 50$ applications fees to the following account:

Bank Name : HSBC
Bank Address : Ras Beirut Branch
Bank Account Name : American University of Beirut
Bank Account Number $ : 003-013687-100
IBAN : LB73000700000000003013687100
Bank Account Number LBP : 003-013687-001
IBAN : LB30000700000000003013687001
Bank Swift Address : BBMELBBX
Bank Routing Number : 0070031

Deadline to apply for the UPP program for Fall 2011-2012 is March 1, 2011 (* Rolling till August 15, 2011).

Deadline to apply for the UPP program for Spring 2011-2012 is November 1, 2011.

For more info concerning the UPP program, please check:

To download the UPP application form, please go to:

For international students services, please check:

For further inquiries and clarifications, do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Office at AUB on the following numbers:
Tel: 00961 1 374374 – 00961 1 374444
Extensions: 2585 - 2590 – 2593 – 2596

Sophomore (First Year)

Concerning undergraduate admission to AUB, please note the following:

1- If a student has completed a minimum of 12 years of schooling, he/she could apply directly to sophomore year (2nd year of university education) if he/she completes a Lebanese Baccalaureate or its equivalence (2 A-levels excluding Arabic, International Baccalaureate, French Baccalaureate, German Abitur, Thanawiyya 3amma, Tawjihi…etc). For more info on this matter, please check:

2- To apply for regular admissions, the student needs to submit an undergraduate application along with the following documents:

a. SAT1 results (reading+math).
b. High school records during grades 10 and 11.

Admission is competitive and equally based on the above two requirements.

Admission decision in AUB is based 50% on high school final year averages in grade 10 and grade 11 and 50% on SAT scores (reading+math only). There are no specific scores required, however the higher the scores are, the better the chances will be of getting admitted.

The composite score calculated from high school grades and SAT scores is then studied by the admissions committee and acceptance/rejection is issued.

It is advisable when filling the application as sophomore to include several choices in the list of majors of interest and not only 1 or 2 majors. This will give the applicant other chances in other majors in case he/she didn't get accepted in the major of choice. Applicants can chose up to 9 majors (3 faculties with 3 majors from each).

Upon admission, the applicant will be required to present evidence of having successfully completed Grade 12 and show a level of proficiency in the English language by obtaining a minimum score of 573 on the paper based TOEFL OR 230 on the Computer Based TOEFL (OR 88 on Internet Based TOEFL), OR 500 on the University English Entrance Examination (EEE) OR 380 and above on the writing section of the SATI OR 5.5 on IELTS.

It is important to know that admission for sophomore year is more competitive than that for freshman.

To apply for early admission (only for fall semesters):

A special early admission plan for fall admission has been designed for students who fulfill the following requirements:

• Submission of application form by November 30

• Class rank in the top 25 percent in each of the last two years prior to application

• SAT I scores, Mathematical reasoning and Critical Reading, (last session of that November) as follows:

− 1,100 for sophomore arts (except Economics) or nursing II

− 1,200 for sophomore sciences (and Economics) or business, first year in the Faculties of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Health Sciences, and first year graphic design

− 1,250 for first year engineering and architecture

Admission decisions are issued by January 30, 2011 and admission is granted to the first choice of major in each of the faculties applied for. Admission is conditional upon the student receiving the certificate or diploma (recognized by the Ministry of Education of the originating country) on the basis of which admission was sought and on evidence of having met the English Language Proficiency Requirement (ELPR). Students may not register until these conditions are met. Applicants who apply early but are not granted early admission are automatically placed in the pool of all other applicants to the same level and same faculty/school and are given equal consideration.

3- Concerning medicine at AUB, we follow the American style of education. This means that the student needs to get a bachelor degree in sciences first, and then apply for medicine studies. At a first stage, and in order to select the Medicine field in the future, it is preferable to apply for one of the following science majors: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Medical Lab, Environmental Health, or Nutrition.
During the third year of the undergraduate studies, the student takes preparatory courses for the medical school known as pre-med courses, and sits for the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test). After completing those requirements, and based on the achieved grades, the student can be admitted to the Medical School.

4- Deadline to apply for early admission for the fall semester 2011-2012 is November 30, 2010.

Deadline to apply for regular admission for the fall semester 2011-2012 is February 1, 2011.

Deadline to apply for the spring semester 2011-2012 is November 30, 2011.

Last SAT1 session considered for early admission for the fall 2011-2012 semester is that of November 2010.

Last SAT1 session considered for regular admission for the fall 2011-2012 semester is that of December 2010.

Last SAT1 session considered for the spring 2011-2012 semester is that of November 2011.

You can repeat the SAT 1 several times and we will take your highest score from each section and each session.

Application form can be downloaded from:

Applicants wishing to apply to AUB for undergraduate studies can apply online or can submit a paper application as follows:

1- Download the application form (Application for undergraduate studies)
2- Fill the application.
3- Include the following documents in the application:
Photocopy of ID or passport
Passport size photo
High School Grades 10-11
SAT 1 scores (official)

4-Applications can be sent to the following address:

American University of Beirut
Office of Admissions
P.O.Box: 11-0236
Riad El Solh, Beirut 1107 2020

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: (961)1 374374, ext 2585,90,96
Fax: (961)1 750775

5- Application fees (50$) can be paid in one of the following ways:

Cash: at the cashier’s office in AUB (
Check: you can place a 50$ check along with the application and the documents and mail them to us at the admissions office (please note that only checks drawn to US or Lebanese Banks are acceptable).
Wire transfer the 50$ applications fees to the following account:

Bank Name : HSBC

Bank Address : Ras Beirut Branch

Bank Account Name : American University of Beirut

Bank Account Number $ : 003-013687-100

IBAN : LB73000700000000003013687100

Bank Account Number LBP : 003-013687-001

IBAN : LB30000700000000003013687001

Bank Swift Address : BBMELBBX

Bank Routing Number : 0070031

To have a more detailed look on AUB courses, you may go to the link below to view our university catalogue

To know more about tuition fees, please check:

Regarding campus housing, please check:

For university calendar, please check:

Concerning financial aid, please check:

For international students services, please check:

For further inquiries and clarifications, do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Office at AUB on the following numbers: Tel: 00961 1 374374 – 00961 1 374444
Extensions: 2585 - 2590 – 2593 – 2596

For admission to the: Deadline Notification date -Early admission for the Fall Semester 2011-12 NOV 30,2010 JAN,2011 -Regular admission for the Fall Semester 2011-12 FEB 1,2011 APR,2011 -Regular admission for the Spring Semester 2011-12 NOV 30,2011 JAN,2012